Hey Ludo,

ikzelf ben - via deze mailinglist eigenlijk - terecht gekomen bij de HCC in 
Mechelen. Weliswaar is dit geen echte Linux groep, er zitten allerhande 
gebruikers... maar het Ubuntu-aandeel is toch best wel groot.

'k Ben zelf nog maar "groentje" in de club, maar wil je graag uitnodigen om 's 
te komen kijken...

Dit is de (algemene) site:


>----- Oorspronkelijk bericht -----
: Ludo Beckers [mailto:lazy...@gmail.com]
: dinsdag
, december
 30, 2008 07:20 PM
: ubuntu-be@lists.ubuntu.com
: [Ubuntu-be] fosdem usefull for newbies? + other Linux meetings in     Belgium?
>I joined this group very recently; it's the first digest I get :-)
>This FOSDEM-happening, is it something a newbie would be interested in?
>Newbie as in "not really knowing too many terminal commands so far; never
>compiled anything yet; hardly knows what a shell is; is not up to making a
>separate home partition yet and such"
>2nd question: does this list notify about happenings/get togethers whatever
>in Belgium?
>I'd love to join some sort of of Ubuntu-club to learn new stuff quicker by
>having hands on help.
>greetings from a freezing Antwerp

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