I'll come together with gunirus (peter) probably on sunday as he will 
arrange transportation

Jan Claeys schreef:
> Hello all,
> FOSDEM is next weekend, so time to make sure everything is prepared...
> Can everybody who comes to help at the booth (even if only for some 
> time), please reply in this mail thread to let us know when you come and
> what you bring (if anything).  Also read below what we already have and 
> don't have.  And feel free to ask questions if something isn't clear.
> Personally, I'll be there from Friday afternoon till Sunday evening, but 
> I will attend some talks in between.
> The table at the booth is supposed to be 1m20 long--I'll bring some 
> paper tablecloth to make it look nicer.
> I'll bring 1 PC (Compaq P4 with 512 MiB RAM) with Ubuntu 8.10, plus 
> maybe my EEE 900 laptop.
> If somebody else can bring a TFT screen to use with it, that would mean 
> I don't have to bring a big & heavy CRT...   ;-)
> BTW: we won't have a lot of CDs this year, but we'll have lots of things 
> to sell.[*]
> For those who ordered things beforehand, please make sure to bring 
> enough money to pay (please note that the price will include some 
> transport cost too)!
> Is there anybody here who can bring change money (coins etc. to pay back 
> if people don't have the right amount of money)?  If not, I'll check 
> with my bank or something...
> I'll also bring power extension cables & power multipliers.
> NOTE also: there will be no wired network this year, only wireless 
> (sponsored by Cisco), so make sure your wireless works...
> [*] everything not sold at FOSDEM will be available to sell at e.g. 
> Dipro fairs & release parties.
> Jan Claeys

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