> No the ip was filled. The  problem is that when an ip is banned a few
> seconds after it's unban.
and that is with the same config file as it comes with edgy? what was
bantime value option set to?

> Ok so just put the edgy one under dapper. You are supposed to provide a long 
> term support so to have fully operationnel system for three years.
> To me the problem is solved but I just wanted you to be informed.
I am a Debian Developer and a maintainer of fail2ban for Debian

I am too new to Ubuntu way to handle things -- I am not sure if
that is a good practice to have complete backport from next release
propagate into the previous one, especially such elderly one. I would
need to check if there are any specific instructions on that..

Yaroslav Halchenko
Research Assistant, Psychology Department, Rutgers-Newark
Student  Ph.D. @ CS Dept. NJIT
Office: (973) 353-5440x263 | FWD: 82823 | Fax: (973) 353-1171
        101 Warren Str, Smith Hall, Rm 4-105, Newark NJ 07102
WWW:     http://www.linkedin.com/in/yarik

dapper fail2ban 0.6.0-3 0 do not ban

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