Daniel:  If this bug is truly independent of PulseAudio, then why does
renaming /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/bell.ogg change the behavior?
If your argument is that libcanberra is looking at that file, then why
is it necessary to remove a -PA- cache file to fix the bell after
renaming the file back?  Are you saying that libcanberra is dependent
upon and/or writing to files that appear to be owned by PA?

Note that I can repeat all these behaviors from either the 32- or 64-bit
LiveCD, using its default settings, which I -assume- means it's using
metacity and not compiz.  By default, module-x11-bell appears to be
commented out, as I said above.  So who exactly is stealing X bell
events?  And how do we -stop- it from doing so?

Robert, in response to various items:
(a) The reason you don't seem to need the rmmod/modprobe fandango is that 
you've been confining your experiments to gnome (or metacity, or whatever).  
Try booting in recovery mode and logging into an X-less shell.  Assuming you do 
-not- have pcspkr blacklisted, then lsmod | grep pcs at that point should show 
it.  But if you hit rubout at the start of a line in that shell, you'll hear 
the bell out your line-out, not from the motherboard speaker.  If you 
rmmod/modprobe, -then- a rubout there will -not- come out of line-out and 
-will- come out of the motherboard.  Furthermore, if you type xinit (hence 
getting into X but not gnome/metacity), you get the same behavior (you can also 
try rebooting and waiting to do the rmmod/modprobe until you xinit if you'd 
like to reproduce it the same way).  Note that the X bell will have a different 
pitch than the non-X bell, which has a different pitch than the motherboard 
bell---three pitches in all.  But if you do the fandango, you'll get the 
motherboard bell, whether you're in X or not.  [And note -weird- thing below!]
(b) I think you're right that bug #430203, which I cited as the "slow bell", 
did make it into Karmic---I looked at bell.ogg in Audacity and the entire 
sample is only 200ms long, and it's got audio for all of it.  But the 
gnome/metacity bell is still not firing above 1 Hz, so there's a 
bug/rate-limiter in there -somewhere-.

WEIRD THING #1:  I noticed that, if you're -not- in gnome/metacity
(e.g., either directly in an X-less shell, or in the shell that xinit
gives you), -and- if you've booted with pcspkr -not- blacklisted (so
it's loaded) but have -not- done the rmmod/modprobe fandango (so your
bell is still being intercepted and is coming out of line-out instead of
other words, you're sitting at en empty line in the shell.  You hit
rubout.  You hear NOTHING.  You wait a couple seconds.  You continue to
hear nothing.   You hit rubout again.  NOW you hear a bell!  In fact, I
can repeatably cause non-motherboard bell events to VANISH as long as I
hit rubout no more frequently than about once every six seconds.  If I
hit it more frequently than that, the first one after a long gap
vanishes, and the rest of them come through.  [Note that this might be
slightly racy---while I was testing, I managed to hear a bell and then
-not- hear one from a rubout less than half a second later, but that's

Note that this obviously-buggy behavior may possibly have influenced my
test results, at least---when I was doing prior testing, I didn't hammer
on the rubout key or whatever---if I heard no bell the first time, i
assumed it was dead, not that I had to try again within six seconds to
find out for sure!  Sheesh.

[I believe that if you're actually in gnome/metacity, the inactive-
vanishing-bell bug doesn't manifest---I currently have my line-out
connected and I'm doing workaround #2, running xkbevd -bg, and I hit
rubout on an empty shell line that had been sitting there for ten
minutes.  I heard a bloop from line-out and a beep from the motherboard
speaker.  Note, however, that if it's been more than a few seconds, the
bloop is delayed at least a second compared to the motherboard; if it's
within a second or two, the start of the bloop is maybe only 300-500ms
behind the start of the motherboard beep.]

WEIRD THING #2:  If you -are- getting the motherboard bell (meaning
you've done the fandango), holding down rubout in an X-less shell gives
you the bell at what seems to be the key-repeat rate, maybe 10-20Hz.
But if you're in X (e.g., via xinit, not gnome/metacity), holding down
rubout gives you a bell that's only running at about 2Hz.  The duty
cycle of the X-less bell is close to 100%, but the duty cycle of the X
bell is closer to 30-50%.  (They seem to have about the same -duration-
when you're just getting one of them at a time, so I guess the X-less
bell is interrupting itself when you hold rubout down, possibly so as
not to pile up a huge backlog---see below.)

By way of comparison, my 5.04 Hoary machine (yes, that old) gets this
right, -even in gnome-:  holding down rubout gives me a 10-20Hz stream
of motherboard bells.  So does Breezy.  And this -even- works if I'm
ssh'ed to a Karmic machine from Hoary or Breezy and hold down rubout---
the Hoary & Breezy machines give me a rapid-fire stream of bells from
the shell on the Karmic machine, so it's pretty clearly getting
intercepted by the window system under Karmic.

And, of course, if I make the Karmic machine the one with the window
system and ssh to one of the older machines, I get the Karmic machine's
poor bell handling.

Obtw, one problem with your workaround #2 is that apparently the X bells
it plays take a while (maybe I can tighten up their duration, but then
an isolated bell is harder to hear).  This means that, unlike the
"working" case in older releases, holding down rubout makes it -really
easy- to get -way- ahead of the beeper---so a second or two of holding
down rubout then barrages you with ten seconds of motherboard beeping as
X plays each and every event at full duration.  So this isn't quite a
complete workaround compared to the way the bell worked before Karmic
broke it.  (Yes, -broke- it---this whole set of behaviors is very
clearly a regression.)

My opinion is that this entire codebase has decayed badly and could
REALLY use some concentrated attention by someone who knows what they're
doing.  We're just flailing here---someone who knows the codebase could
probably fix all of these random bugs in short order, if only someone
would deem UI regressions from older releases an actual priority.
(Despite its many other advantages, I'm not eager to switch to Karmic
given the state of audio here...  I -need- that damned bell to work.)

So far, I'd be happy if we just knew where to point the finger for each
of these regressions.  I have yet to hear any component/developer take

System beep broken in Karmic despite heroic efforts to fix it
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