more info.   lost mouse buttons shortly after bootup this morning . XEV shows 
no activity from the mouse, movement or clicks , it does show keyboard input.
 at the same time in a different terminal,  cat  /dev/input/mice  shows 
movement and clicks .
some other things, this did not occur until after the update to xorg7.2 and I 
have been using feisty since the start of herd2 , I do not believe it is a low 
memory problem I have 2gb ddr and have never maxed it out in feisty  . I use 
the nvidia propriatary video driver and this has occured with both 9746 and 
9755 versions . it has continued through several kernal updates . I do have a 
self compiled gdesklets running because the included version dosent work with 
64bit feisty (see bug#83922) .I also have wallpaper tray running changing my 
walpaper every 10 minutes but there is no corelation with wallpaper changes.

sorry about rambaling on but  I'm trying to give as much info as I can.

loss of mouse buttons

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