Purposefully trying to break the Upgrade Tool:

1.  At the start it listed 1856 packages to upgrade.
2.  On package #2 I turned off my wireless LAN
3.  No error messages...nor did the tool produce any indicators of loss of 
network connectivity to flag the user that something was wrong...the time 
remaining estimate eventually disappeared
4.  I turned the wireless LAN back on after 5 minutes
5.  The upgrade tool resumed where it left off with package #2.
6.  At package #3 I unplugged the laptop (catastrophic power loss)
7.  After rebooting and logging in, the Adept Updater icon showed in the system 
8.  I opened updater and it listed all the packages that needed updated to 
Feisty versions...just as I suspected the sources.list file was already 
modified to Feisty, so Adept is treating the system as Feisty when it is still 
9.  The upgrade tool did not reopen.
10.  I closed Adept and modified the sources.list back to Edgy
11.  I opened Adept and fetched headers.
12.  The upgrade tool automatically reopened, window remained blank except the 
status bar as it loaded Feisty headers (at this time I am unsure if that is an 
issue specific to my situation or an issue with the tool).
13.  When headers finished loading, the tool GUI returned completely.
14.  I restarted the downloaded package process and it began downloading where 
it left off when I catastrophically killed the power.


1.  Very positive feedback.  The program is intuitive enough to know
where it left off in the download process when bad things happen.  This
feature alone will save quite a lot of new user consternation when one
considers the large time spans involved to do upgrades....mine now says
18 hours left.  If I lost power or connectivity at 9 hours into the load
and had to restart from the beginning it would be a very bad time here
to say the least.  So this part is very nicely constructed.

2.  Things to consider.  There needs to be some method that restarts the
tool automatically after catastrophic power loss when the user has
restarted the computer and logged in.  The tool will will need to
automatically reset the sources.list file back to the previous version
in order to run.  I am thinking that a simple file copy from a backup
would work here.  Of course, the tool will need some sort of admin
permission to accomplish this so there is a security element
also...maybe a dialog box that asks the user if he wishes to continue
after noting a catastrophic failure.  A "yes" gives the program
permission to restore the previous version sources.list then continue
running, a "no" to restore the previous version sources.list and exit
the program.  This ability to recover in case of catastrophic power loss
may not be available for the Edgy to Feisty migration due to time
constraints, but perhaps from Feisty to the next version would be

Based on previous test feedback I do not anticipate any difficulties
completing rest of download with this tool....that is of course I do not
lose power in my home before it finishes  ;-)

SRU: updates necessary for Kubuntu Upgrade Tool in Edgy

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