I just marked bug 97332 as a duplicate of this one.

For anyone interested, I was able to make my GeForce4 card work by
booting with the 2.6.20-12-generic kernel and related restricted-
modules. I then manually installed (dpkg -i nvidia.*9631.deb) and now
I'm back to a working desktop with good speed. I found the driver cached
in /var/cache/apt/archive (i think).

You can still download the nvidia drivers from here.

I understand Feisty is still in Beta and maybe that's why this problem
happened, but it might show a problem with the package approval process
before it is pushed into the repos. Nvidia didn't hide which chips were
not going to be supported and I'd like to know (without placing any
blame) who was responsible for checking the driver before committing it?

Lastly, has anyone from Ubuntu tried asking Nvidia to speed up release
of the newer legacy package?

MASTER: Request for new-legacy nvidia drivers (9631)

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