** Description changed:

  There are 2 integrated soundcards presents in Lenovo Q180 PC - one based
  on analog ALC662 chip and works fine (sound works), another card (#2) is
  a part of ATI Redeon HDMI driver (open-sourse radeon driver is used,
  video HDMI output is fine) - this HDMI sound does not work. Now I need
  to use HDMI sound output. Ubuntu x64 kernel generic (latest in
  mainstream repos).
  HDMI sound cards appears in alsamixer, but with 1 controller called
  "S/PDIF" - which is strange. Not muted.
  aplay -l DOES show this HDMI card - see below. It shows card #2: Generic
  [HD-Audio Generic], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]
  aplay -Dhw:2,3 test.wav gets an error - Cannot open file or device.
  PulseAudio does not show the card/sink in the list, although it shows
  some "S/PDIF" - most probably related to ALC662 card.
  pacmd list-cards DOES NOT list any HD-Generic or ATI cards. Only the
  ALC662 analog one. pacmd list-sinks DOES NOT show any HDMI-related sink.
  Aslo attached alsa-info.sh output.
- serg@IdeaCentre-Q180:~$ aplay -l
- **** Список PLAYBACK устройств ****
- карта 0: Intel [HDA Intel], устройство 0: ALC662 rev1 Analog [ALC662 rev1 
-   Подустройства: 0/1
-   Подустройство №0: subdevice #0
- карта 0: Intel [HDA Intel], устройство 1: ALC662 rev1 Digital [ALC662 rev1 
-   Подустройства: 1/1
-   Подустройство №0: subdevice #0
- карта 2: Generic [HD-Audio Generic], устройство 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]
-   Подустройства: 1/1
-   Подустройство №0: subdevice #0
- serg@IdeaCentre-Q180:~$
+ serg@IdeaCentre-Q180:~$ aplay -L
+ default
+     Playback/recording through the PulseAudio sound server
+ sysdefault:CARD=Intel
+     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
+     Default Audio Device
+ front:CARD=Intel,DEV=0
+     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
+     Front speakers
+ surround40:CARD=Intel,DEV=0
+     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
+     4.0 Surround output to Front and Rear speakers
+ surround41:CARD=Intel,DEV=0
+     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
+     4.1 Surround output to Front, Rear and Subwoofer speakers
+ surround50:CARD=Intel,DEV=0
+     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
+     5.0 Surround output to Front, Center and Rear speakers
+ surround51:CARD=Intel,DEV=0
+     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
+     5.1 Surround output to Front, Center, Rear and Subwoofer speakers
+ surround71:CARD=Intel,DEV=0
+     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
+     7.1 Surround output to Front, Center, Side, Rear and Woofer speakers
+ iec958:CARD=Intel,DEV=0
+     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Digital
+     IEC958 (S/PDIF) Digital Audio Output
+ dmix:CARD=Intel,DEV=0
+     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
+     Direct sample mixing device
+ dmix:CARD=Intel,DEV=1
+     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Digital
+     Direct sample mixing device
+ dsnoop:CARD=Intel,DEV=0
+     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
+     Direct sample snooping device
+ dsnoop:CARD=Intel,DEV=1
+     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Digital
+     Direct sample snooping device
+ hw:CARD=Intel,DEV=0
+     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
+     Direct hardware device without any conversions
+ hw:CARD=Intel,DEV=1
+     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Digital
+     Direct hardware device without any conversions
+ plughw:CARD=Intel,DEV=0
+     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
+     Hardware device with all software conversions
+ plughw:CARD=Intel,DEV=1
+     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Digital
+     Hardware device with all software conversions
+ hdmi:CARD=Generic,DEV=0
+     HD-Audio Generic, HDMI 0
+     HDMI Audio Output
+ dmix:CARD=Generic,DEV=3
+     HD-Audio Generic, HDMI 0
+     Direct sample mixing device
+ dsnoop:CARD=Generic,DEV=3
+     HD-Audio Generic, HDMI 0
+     Direct sample snooping device
+ hw:CARD=Generic,DEV=3
+     HD-Audio Generic, HDMI 0
+     Direct hardware device without any conversions
+ plughw:CARD=Generic,DEV=3
+     HD-Audio Generic, HDMI 0
+     Hardware device with all software conversions

** Description changed:

  There are 2 integrated soundcards presents in Lenovo Q180 PC - one based
  on analog ALC662 chip and works fine (sound works), another card (#2) is
  a part of ATI Redeon HDMI driver (open-sourse radeon driver is used,
  video HDMI output is fine) - this HDMI sound does not work. Now I need
  to use HDMI sound output. Ubuntu x64 kernel generic (latest in
  mainstream repos).
  HDMI sound cards appears in alsamixer, but with 1 controller called
  "S/PDIF" - which is strange. Not muted.
  aplay -l DOES show this HDMI card - see below. It shows card #2: Generic
  [HD-Audio Generic], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]
- aplay -Dhw:2,3 test.wav gets an error - Cannot open file or device.
+ aplay -Dplughw:0,0 ~/test.wav - plays perfectly through analog ALC622 card.
+ aplay -Dplughw:2,3 ~/test.wav, aplay -Dhdmi:2,0 ~/test.wav - gets an error 
"Error opening device - no such device".
  PulseAudio does not show the card/sink in the list, although it shows
  some "S/PDIF" - most probably related to ALC662 card.
  pacmd list-cards DOES NOT list any HD-Generic or ATI cards. Only the
  ALC662 analog one. pacmd list-sinks DOES NOT show any HDMI-related sink.
  Aslo attached alsa-info.sh output.
  serg@IdeaCentre-Q180:~$ aplay -L
-     Playback/recording through the PulseAudio sound server
+     Playback/recording through the PulseAudio sound server
-     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
-     Default Audio Device
+     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
+     Default Audio Device
-     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
-     Front speakers
+     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
+     Front speakers
-     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
-     4.0 Surround output to Front and Rear speakers
+     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
+     4.0 Surround output to Front and Rear speakers
-     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
-     4.1 Surround output to Front, Rear and Subwoofer speakers
+     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
+     4.1 Surround output to Front, Rear and Subwoofer speakers
-     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
-     5.0 Surround output to Front, Center and Rear speakers
+     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
+     5.0 Surround output to Front, Center and Rear speakers
-     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
-     5.1 Surround output to Front, Center, Rear and Subwoofer speakers
+     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
+     5.1 Surround output to Front, Center, Rear and Subwoofer speakers
-     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
-     7.1 Surround output to Front, Center, Side, Rear and Woofer speakers
+     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
+     7.1 Surround output to Front, Center, Side, Rear and Woofer speakers
-     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Digital
-     IEC958 (S/PDIF) Digital Audio Output
+     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Digital
+     IEC958 (S/PDIF) Digital Audio Output
-     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
-     Direct sample mixing device
+     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
+     Direct sample mixing device
-     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Digital
-     Direct sample mixing device
+     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Digital
+     Direct sample mixing device
-     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
-     Direct sample snooping device
+     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
+     Direct sample snooping device
-     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Digital
-     Direct sample snooping device
+     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Digital
+     Direct sample snooping device
-     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
-     Direct hardware device without any conversions
+     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
+     Direct hardware device without any conversions
-     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Digital
-     Direct hardware device without any conversions
+     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Digital
+     Direct hardware device without any conversions
-     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
-     Hardware device with all software conversions
+     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
+     Hardware device with all software conversions
-     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Digital
-     Hardware device with all software conversions
+     HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Digital
+     Hardware device with all software conversions
-     HD-Audio Generic, HDMI 0
-     HDMI Audio Output
+     HD-Audio Generic, HDMI 0
+     HDMI Audio Output
-     HD-Audio Generic, HDMI 0
-     Direct sample mixing device
+     HD-Audio Generic, HDMI 0
+     Direct sample mixing device
-     HD-Audio Generic, HDMI 0
-     Direct sample snooping device
+     HD-Audio Generic, HDMI 0
+     Direct sample snooping device
-     HD-Audio Generic, HDMI 0
-     Direct hardware device without any conversions
+     HD-Audio Generic, HDMI 0
+     Direct hardware device without any conversions
-     HD-Audio Generic, HDMI 0
-     Hardware device with all software conversions
+     HD-Audio Generic, HDMI 0
+     Hardware device with all software conversions

** Description changed:

  There are 2 integrated soundcards presents in Lenovo Q180 PC - one based
  on analog ALC662 chip and works fine (sound works), another card (#2) is
- a part of ATI Redeon HDMI driver (open-sourse radeon driver is used,
- video HDMI output is fine) - this HDMI sound does not work. Now I need
- to use HDMI sound output. Ubuntu x64 kernel generic (latest in
- mainstream repos).
+ a part of ATI Radeon HD 6450A HDMI device (open-sourse "radeon" driver
+ is used, video through HDMI output is fine) - this HDMI sound does not
+ work. Now I need to use HDMI sound output. Ubuntu x64 kernel
+ generic (latest in mainstream repos).
- HDMI sound cards appears in alsamixer, but with 1 controller called
- "S/PDIF" - which is strange. Not muted.
+ HDMI sound card #2 appears in alsamixer, but with 1 controller called
+ "S/PDIF" (not muted) - which is strange. There is not HDMI/DP or other
+ controllers for this card.
  aplay -l DOES show this HDMI card - see below. It shows card #2: Generic
  [HD-Audio Generic], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]
  aplay -Dplughw:0,0 ~/test.wav - plays perfectly through analog ALC622 card.
  aplay -Dplughw:2,3 ~/test.wav, aplay -Dhdmi:2,0 ~/test.wav - gets an error 
"Error opening device - no such device".
  PulseAudio does not show the card/sink in the list, although it shows
  some "S/PDIF" - most probably related to ALC662 card.
  pacmd list-cards DOES NOT list any HD-Generic or ATI cards. Only the
  ALC662 analog one. pacmd list-sinks DOES NOT show any HDMI-related sink.
  Aslo attached alsa-info.sh output.
  serg@IdeaCentre-Q180:~$ aplay -L
      Playback/recording through the PulseAudio sound server
      HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
      Default Audio Device
      HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
      Front speakers
      HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
      4.0 Surround output to Front and Rear speakers
      HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
      4.1 Surround output to Front, Rear and Subwoofer speakers
      HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
      5.0 Surround output to Front, Center and Rear speakers
      HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
      5.1 Surround output to Front, Center, Rear and Subwoofer speakers
      HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
      7.1 Surround output to Front, Center, Side, Rear and Woofer speakers
      HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Digital
      IEC958 (S/PDIF) Digital Audio Output
      HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
      Direct sample mixing device
      HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Digital
      Direct sample mixing device
      HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
      Direct sample snooping device
      HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Digital
      Direct sample snooping device
      HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
      Direct hardware device without any conversions
      HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Digital
      Direct hardware device without any conversions
      HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
      Hardware device with all software conversions
      HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Digital
      Hardware device with all software conversions
      HD-Audio Generic, HDMI 0
      HDMI Audio Output
      HD-Audio Generic, HDMI 0
      Direct sample mixing device
      HD-Audio Generic, HDMI 0
      Direct sample snooping device
      HD-Audio Generic, HDMI 0
      Direct hardware device without any conversions
      HD-Audio Generic, HDMI 0
      Hardware device with all software conversions

** Description changed:

  There are 2 integrated soundcards presents in Lenovo Q180 PC - one based
  on analog ALC662 chip and works fine (sound works), another card (#2) is
  a part of ATI Radeon HD 6450A HDMI device (open-sourse "radeon" driver
  is used, video through HDMI output is fine) - this HDMI sound does not
- work. Now I need to use HDMI sound output. Ubuntu x64 kernel
- generic (latest in mainstream repos).
+ work. Now I need to use HDMI sound output. Ubuntu 13.04 x64 kernel
+ generic.
  HDMI sound card #2 appears in alsamixer, but with 1 controller called
  "S/PDIF" (not muted) - which is strange. There is not HDMI/DP or other
  controllers for this card.
+ PulseAudio (System settings - Sound settings) does not show the HDMI
+ card/sink in the list, although it shows some "S/PDIF" sink, which  does
+ not related to HDMI.
  aplay -l DOES show this HDMI card - see below. It shows card #2: Generic
  [HD-Audio Generic], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]
- aplay -Dplughw:0,0 ~/test.wav - plays perfectly through analog ALC622 card.
- aplay -Dplughw:2,3 ~/test.wav, aplay -Dhdmi:2,0 ~/test.wav - gets an error 
"Error opening device - no such device".
- PulseAudio does not show the card/sink in the list, although it shows
- some "S/PDIF" - most probably related to ALC662 card.
+ "aplay -Dplughw:0,0 ~/test.wav" - plays perfectly through analog ALC622 card.
+ "aplay -Dplughw:2,3 ~/test.wav", "aplay -Dhdmi:2,0 ~/test.wav" - gets an 
error "Error opening device - no such device".
  pacmd list-cards DOES NOT list any HD-Generic or ATI cards. Only the
  ALC662 analog one. pacmd list-sinks DOES NOT show any HDMI-related sink.
- Aslo attached alsa-info.sh output.
+ Also attached alsa-info.sh output.
  serg@IdeaCentre-Q180:~$ aplay -L
      Playback/recording through the PulseAudio sound server
      HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
      Default Audio Device
      HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
      Front speakers
      HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
      4.0 Surround output to Front and Rear speakers
      HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
      4.1 Surround output to Front, Rear and Subwoofer speakers
      HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
      5.0 Surround output to Front, Center and Rear speakers
      HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
      5.1 Surround output to Front, Center, Rear and Subwoofer speakers
      HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
      7.1 Surround output to Front, Center, Side, Rear and Woofer speakers
      HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Digital
      IEC958 (S/PDIF) Digital Audio Output
      HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
      Direct sample mixing device
      HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Digital
      Direct sample mixing device
      HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
      Direct sample snooping device
      HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Digital
      Direct sample snooping device
      HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
      Direct hardware device without any conversions
      HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Digital
      Direct hardware device without any conversions
      HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog
      Hardware device with all software conversions
      HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Digital
      Hardware device with all software conversions
      HD-Audio Generic, HDMI 0
      HDMI Audio Output
      HD-Audio Generic, HDMI 0
      Direct sample mixing device
      HD-Audio Generic, HDMI 0
      Direct sample snooping device
      HD-Audio Generic, HDMI 0
      Direct hardware device without any conversions
      HD-Audio Generic, HDMI 0
      Hardware device with all software conversions

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  No HDMI sound on ATI HD6450A, ALSA card is recognized

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