* Evolution depending on spamassassin: see Bug 4472 for discussion
 * Wine depending on alsa-oss: Should probably form part of the 
BetterIntegratedWine spec (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BetterIntegratedWineSpec). 
However, this appears to have stalled. Might be worth reporting a wishlist bug 
against Wine.
 * Xsane depending on gocr: XSane suggests gocr, but doesn't have a hard 
dependency. Also, Xsane is getting old and may soon be replaced by GNOME Scan 
or Flegita. Needs further investigation, possibly worth a new bug.
 * Users ejecting CDs: This looks to be a new bug.
 * dpkg repair: There is a spec for this 
(https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/automatic-dpkg), but it looks 
neglected. Maybe worth a new wishlist bug against dpkg.
 * FreeDOS boot disk: This appears to be new. Is this a common requirement?
 * totem-gstreamer DVD support: see Bug 41335
 * Mouse extra button detection: This would seem to be a difficult task. It 
might be worth asking one of the X guys about this, and then maybe to create a 
new spec.
 * Encrypted DVD installer: see bug 157099
 * OpenDNS servers: I'm not sure what you mean by this. Could you elaborate a 
little more, please?
 * iPod support in Rhythmbox: This is a job for upstream. What sort of problems 
are there currently with Rhythmbox's iPod integration?
 * HD-DVD/Bluray support: See the wiki 
(https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/BluRayAndHDDVD). I don't 
think that we have the resources to implement HD-DVD/Bluray support for 
gstreamer ourselves, unfortunately.
 * Wine integration: In what ways is Wine integration currently lacking? The 
inclusion of the Wine Doors package would probably help. There are Ubuntu 
packages, but the authors don't seem to have submitted them to REVU. It might 
be worth poking them.
 * DAP sync feature in Rhythmbox: This would be best handled upstream. An 
enhancement bug should be filed in GNOME Bugzilla.
 * Rhythmbox is strictly a music player. Perhaps a video podcast plugin for 
Totem should be requested?
 * Totem/Rhythmbox fused: There are several other available applications which 
are combined media players which could be sought as replacements. I agree that 
it can be confusing having two media players installed sometimes. However, 
GNOME seem pretty keen on having separate applications to keep everything 
task-focused (RB is a 'manager', Totem is a 'viewer'), and RB/Totem are pretty 
feature-rich on their own, so a replacement might not cut it. This would be a 
good question for the gnome-usability list.

Multiple bugs and wishlists
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