FYI, should have gone to the list

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Daniel Stoni <>
Date: Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 16:54
Subject: ubuntu cd swiss remix
To: Myriam Schweingruber <>

Hello Myriam

I've been in contact with Matthias S and Daniel B. We may formally
announce that the next Swiss Remix Ubuntu DVD will be built by the
ubuntu-ch community. Here some base conditions:
- I have offered to lead this task
- I'm collecting sponsoring agreements for the DVD, we already have
promises of half of the budget required for toasting and shrinkwrapping
- /ch/open assumes a new Swiss DVD based on jaunty jackalope to be
available as of may, 5 2009
- installzone at openexpo on April 2 also requires a current Ubuntu
build. I rather hesitate to distribute the existing 8.04 SwissMix as
being quite outdated now and suffering from the bad certificate problem.
In short - an updated and released version of 8.x should be available as
source, also. We should have a chat about how to achieve this.
- I'm collecting ideas and requirements for the DVD also and it is
interesting to note how many of these ideas are already being discussed
on the brainstorm pages. Nevertheless we should agree on the procedure
and about the features in the team and I would appreciate help of people
familiar with CD building (is the ubuntu customization kit, UCK, the
utility of choice?)
- can you guide me where to store documentation and discuss progress?
own wiki/forum? the mailing list?

I will be out of office next week, I'm afraid. I try to make my mobile
phone ready to follow IRC discussion, but can not promise my
participation. Let us meet/talk afterwards.

Kind regards, Daniel
+41 79 405 1864

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