Daniel Stoni schrieb:
> many people recommend LTS versions for business use. I assess the situation
> - and usually recommend to use current or last instead because LTS would be
> bad for Ubuntu ;-) 

Thanks, Daniel. The main reason for using LTS is IMHO not so much the 
but freedom from update-terror for two years. Unfortunately this breaks when 
important packages have major updates out of step with the LTS-cycle, as with 
KDE, QT and Scribus, presumably also soon with Gnome. I personally would be 
happier to forget the LTS versions, but to also only have one new version per 

> Since at least Jaunty there is a package called scribus-ng with a more
> recent version of scribus. This is the edition chosen by default in the
> SwissRemix. You might have a look if there is scribus-ng in Hardy also.

Yes, in Hardy scribus-ng *is* version 1.3.4, which contains most of the 
of 1.3.5. but using QT3 instead of QT4. Understandably nobody wants to fix the 
bugs in this now that 1.3.6 will be out soon. It was my mistake to use 
scribus-ng at all, but now it is too late to go back, as it uses a new file 
format incompatible with Scribus 1.3.3. In this respect free software is no 
better than propietary SW; the format trap may not be intentional, but it is 
still there.

Cheers, Theo

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