On 18 Mar 2011 15:23, "Theo Schmidt" <theo.schm...@wilhelmtux.ch> wrote:
> Philipp Gassmann schrieb:
>> Hello you five!
>> I'm just responding to the "fact", that there are only 5 "contributors"
>> on this mailing list.
> I think there must be more. I'm usually a lurker but sometimes have
something to say.
> ...

Indeed. While I was a little more active in the past here, I'm just a lurker
too theses days...
Hopefully I'll be able to contribute more meaningfully again later.

I know a few toal lurkers personally too.

>> Why not create agroup on facebook and other platforms? I'm shure we
>> would have hundreds of active contributors, willing to engage, to
>> organise and participate in events. And those would be mostly, young
>> and/or motivated!

I say sure, go ahead :) I think there is already such a group on facebook...
But even our dedicated sub forum on ubuntuforums is really really empty, so
I don't see it as really promising, to be honest.

But sure, go ahead as far as I'm concerned :)

> On the other hand, many newcomers, even you Philipp, are not familiar with
mailing lists (i.e. please don't bottom-quote! ;-) )


> So I guess we face a fork from us old mailing-list types to the young
facebook generation.
> Cheers, Theo
> --
> Ubuntu-ch mailing list
> Ubuntu-ch@lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-ch
Ubuntu-ch mailing list

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