Dear Marco,

I just moved in to Switzerland, more precisely, Winterthur. So, let me
give a small intro about my self:

If been using Ubuntu since 2005 and have been a part of the Portuguese
community almost from the beginning. Started using it during
University ( Computer Networks engineering - finnish my Masters last
year) . It was with Ubuntu that I got my first job, at a portuguese
Start up named Intraneia, where I did development, client management,
system&  network administration, basically, worked with Open Source
software to help and give value to our clients. e.g Ubuntu, Drupal,
Wordpress, Zentyal (Linux Small Business Server based on Ubuntu) and
other software. (If you havent tried Zentyal, you should, its pretty
good )

However, i've "moved out" of that area for the past 2 years (Been
working at Deloitte in IT Audit and Security Consulting), but now,
moving in to Switzerland, I wanted to get back in to the scene, know
people and debate ideas :)

Welcome on board :)

For now, I'm "searching for my path", basically looking for work, but
starting some projects in a personal level, for freelancing. Getting
back to Rails and learning Android.

Well, this is my little story.

So, 2 questions:
1. Is Ubuntu, or making the question even deeper, is Linux well known
in CH? do companies ( lets talk for now of SME ) accept it?

2. I also saw that there will be a Ubuntu release party in Winterthur,
how many people usually go? In Portugal we had a monthly Ubuntu
meeting, for everyone how wanted to come talk or get help, there
average would be around 6/7 persons, the max we got was about 15.

There are monthly meetings in Zurich, mostly announced on the Ubunteros platform:

Besides that, we are organizing the first Ubucon in Winterthur (combined with the release party) this year. You are of course welcome to volunteer (e.g. help at the event, do a talk, or give a workshop).

If the Call for Papers is open, it will be announced here.


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