Hi Marcus,

Thanks for the heads-up. I'll check ubunteros. If you need help for
the Ubucon, I'm available ;)



On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 8:47 AM, Marcus Moeller <marcus.moel...@gmx.ch> wrote:
> Dear Marco,
>> I just moved in to Switzerland, more precisely, Winterthur. So, let me
>> give a small intro about my self:
>> If been using Ubuntu since 2005 and have been a part of the Portuguese
>> community almost from the beginning. Started using it during
>> University ( Computer Networks engineering - finnish my Masters last
>> year) . It was with Ubuntu that I got my first job, at a portuguese
>> Start up named Intraneia, where I did development, client management,
>> system&  network administration, basically, worked with Open Source
>> software to help and give value to our clients. e.g Ubuntu, Drupal,
>> Wordpress, Zentyal (Linux Small Business Server based on Ubuntu) and
>> other software. (If you havent tried Zentyal, you should, its pretty
>> good )
>> However, i've "moved out" of that area for the past 2 years (Been
>> working at Deloitte in IT Audit and Security Consulting), but now,
>> moving in to Switzerland, I wanted to get back in to the scene, know
>> people and debate ideas :)
> Welcome on board :)
>> For now, I'm "searching for my path", basically looking for work, but
>> starting some projects in a personal level, for freelancing. Getting
>> back to Rails and learning Android.
>> Well, this is my little story.
>> So, 2 questions:
>> 1. Is Ubuntu, or making the question even deeper, is Linux well known
>> in CH? do companies ( lets talk for now of SME ) accept it?
>> 2. I also saw that there will be a Ubuntu release party in Winterthur,
>> how many people usually go? In Portugal we had a monthly Ubuntu
>> meeting, for everyone how wanted to come talk or get help, there
>> average would be around 6/7 persons, the max we got was about 15.
> There are monthly meetings in Zurich, mostly announced on the Ubunteros
> platform:
> http://www.ubunteros.ch/dashboard/tab:group/g:stammtisch
> Besides that, we are organizing the first Ubucon in Winterthur (combined
> with the release party) this year. You are of course welcome to volunteer
> (e.g. help at the event, do a talk, or give a workshop).
> If the Call for Papers is open, it will be announced here.
> Greets
> Marcus
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