On Thursday 30 March 2006 15:23, Eric Feliksik wrote:
> You have a point there, but the explanation is not making things
> complicated; it's only an acknowledgement of the fact that the *options*
> are complicated.

The point is that there are too many options

> That can be changed by either removing options (sleep, hibernate,
> restart) which we don't want, or by splitting the stuff in sections.
> Currently the division is "low impact on system" vs. "high impact". I'm
> in favor of "pause session" vs. "end session" (which would put
> hibernate/switch-user/lock in the first an reboot/shutdown/logout in the
> last).
> Whatever the subdivision is, if the help-stuff is subtle (for example at
> the bottom), the help-stuff itself does not complicate things.

Help is not bad by nature *but* the point here is that having to show help is 
a symptom of bad design. A logout dialog should be simple enough to talk by 

Jorge Bernal Ordovás <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Warp Networks S.L.
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