Hi Ubuntu-desktop,

I can change Firefox in any way. I can position, edit, remove and add any interface element however I think is useful to the others. So I created two add-ons.https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/addon-tools-in-app-button/ <https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/addon-tools-in-app-button/>andhttps://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ubiquity-in-awesomebar/ <https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ubiquity-in-awesomebar/>

I reported many bugs to Ubuntu.
To make you patch them, I need to convince you that the bug is so important that you need to work, which is very hard. To make me patch them, I need to convince you that the bug is important, otherwise the patch won't be approved, which is hard, then I need to patch the bug, which is hard, then I need you to approve the code, which is hard, so it's triple hard. To develop an app, I need to code my work and others will see my name, rate it high, install it lots, congratulate me by e-mail, recognize my work, which it's fun, then I need your approval to the Ubuntu Software Store and you put a huge effort in it, you want more apps, which it's fun, then I show you since the app's popular, the bug is important and according to xkcd, I'm correcting a person on the internet, it's an important task, which it's fun, so it's triple fun.

The Unity API is minimal.https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/LauncherAPI <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/LauncherAPI>I can't position, I can't edit, I can't remove and I can't add anything. You said you don't want customizeability (I mean, you make unity have unmodifiable defaults) and you said you want more apps (I mean, you put a huge effort in the Ubuntu Software Store), but these two things are a contradication, because *if we can't do anything, why should we develop apps for you*?

Plus, Firefox writes tutorials that start from overview, allow to go in-depth, have examples and I think Ubuntu should do that too.

Best regards,
Pedro Bessa

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