I'll chime in.

This is the situation as I see it:

* Utopic supports GTK+ 3.12 but only includes the 3.10 core apps.

* Utopic also has at least one serious 3.12 theme bug (i.e. w/ GtkPopover [1]) and maybe more. I'm concerned it won't be addressed in time for the final release.

* The reason for my concern is due to comments like this (Seb said this elsewhere on this list):

We avoided "new-style" applications so far because they don't fit well
in !gnome-shell desktops (that includes Unity) so it's likely that
indeed few users see GtkPopover applications on Ubuntu

(Yorba is building an app targeting 3.12 that uses GtkPopover, hence why I bring this up.)

So, my question: Does Utopic support 3.12 or not? From where I'm standing it looks more like 3.10-and-a-half.

GTK+ 3.14 represents more than just shiny new widgets, it also has substantial bug fixes. So I have to hack around bugs that have been fixed because I'm targeting 3.12 -- and I even have to hack around targeting 3.12 because of Ubuntu-specific bugs. On top of that, there's this (also from Seb on this list):

On a side note we are still looking at supporting GtkHeaderBar
applications better under Unity, but we still think they are going to
look less integrated (when used out of gnome-shell) than applications
not using them and we recommend app developers to consider having
different codepath to handle GNOME and other desktops in that regard.

I'm not trying to pick on Seb here -- honest. I highlight these comments to illustrate the pressure Ubuntu's decisions put on Yorba (and probably other developers).

Yorba works hard to make sure our applications are available to as many GNOME users as possible. And yet there's only one distro that we have to consistently work around to support: Ubuntu. Because of Unity, because of lack of widget support, because of theme and theme issues, because of library versions lag, and so on.

With each release of Ubuntu the situation feels to be disintegrating more and more. These are my concerns.

[1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-themes/+bug/1347321

-- Jim

On Mon, Sep 1, 2014 at 7:37 AM, Sebastien Bacher <seb...@ubuntu.com> wrote:
Le 01/09/2014 15:35, Adam Dingle a écrit :

 So I guess the interesting question now is this: what will happen in
 Utopic+1?  Will these applications stay at 3.10, move to 3.12 (or
 3.14?), or will something else happen?  Obviously you may not know
yet, but we'd be happy to hear more here once you know anything. cheers -

Oh, and on that topic ... if people have (argumented) opinions on what
would be the best way to handle that situation, feel free to comment on
the list :-)

Sebastien Bacher

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