I started an attempt at culling the gnome-shell bug list down to a manageable size yesterday. The goal being to formulate a current and shorter list that is not overwhelmingly big or out of date. Then people can start to see the launchpad bug list as achievable and useful. Or at least something we can stop from having unbounded growth.

So I would log enhancement ideas in launchpad, with some tag like 'gnome-18.04'...
But that's just me.

Staying where the users are is best for community involvement. And the community is much bigger (hence more powerful) than Canonical alone. But you have to give them a voice, which AFAIK is best achieved in the log of a launchpad bug.

On 18/05/17 06:28, Robert Ancell wrote:
Hi all,

I've been using GNOME Shell for about a month now and I've had open a Google Doc that I've been using to list down the things that I would like to see resolved by 18.04 to ship a great experience.

Now I have a bit of a list, I'm wondering what the most productive way is to use this. I'm hesitant to just post it here, because that will likely end up in a big bikeshedding [1] session... Does anyone else have such a list; should we look for a method to combine them?

I know there's a survey in progress for GNOME Shell extensions [1] and someone mentioned a papercut project would be a good idea (can't find a link). We can make a Trello board too. Any other ideas?


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_triviality
[2] http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/05/ubuntu-desktop-gnome-extensions-survey-1710

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