2009/1/11  <scott.r.le...@gmail.com>:
> On Jan 11, 2009 4:29pm, Evan <eapa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I can only address the problem of playing music from a file server, but
>> I'm curious why you didn't try to use the default music player with Ubuntu,
>> called Rhythmbox? It can play music stored on an external file server
>> without any problems.
>> Just my 2 cents.
> I've used Rhythmbox before and never really liked it. I can't really say
> what I didn't like about it, it always felt too heavyweight (much like
> Exaile did as well). For music playing I'm very much of the school of old
> school Winamp/XMMS. I don't need a lot of fancy album art, or autoscrobbling
> last fm stuff. Give me a playlist and minimize to the tray, and I'm good.
> I will take a look at Rhytmbox though next install, which will probably be
> tonight or tommorow. I like Windows 7 beta, they have some cool things in
> it, but I need to get some work done, and I need my tools. If you would like
> me to test anything specific this install in regards to music playing, let
> me know and I will give it a go.
> Scott.
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I haven't looked into this much personally, however, I do believe that
it is commonly accepted that Amarok is the _the_ best music
application out there, on any platform. That's the impression I get
anyway ;) I think you should definitely give that a go.

Case 2 - Perhaps use System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package
Manager to add/remove apps since it is package oriented.

Case 4 - I believe that it depends on each application to remember the
window position after closing. I know firefox remembers its position,
and other things like Terminal or Transmission dont. Best thing to do
here is go to the application bugtracker and submit the problem to the

Thanks for testing.

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