patrick wrote:

> Dear madam, sir,

I wonder about the wisdom of even trying to respond to an email that starts 
that way...

> Give a distribution the time to mature, listen to your big chief, even
> when it's for only time only: 1 distribution a year will bring quality
> software instead of buggy software like it is now !!

What on Earth could lead anyone to think so?  One annual release would 
possibly mean one fewer chaotic period each year, but there would be no 
likelihood of fewer bugs in the ultimately released product.

> I think that what Ubuntu programmers or Ubuntu in general are working
> for them selves,

Of course they are!  That's the cornerstone of FLOSS development.  People 
work _for themselves_ on software that they want.  There's nothing like 
enlightened self-interest.

> Please don't start to use the Microsoft phrase: the problems will be
> solved in the next version!! Koala doesn't do anything good to Linux in
> general. Stop the ego's within the developers club , listen to the
> users!! Deliver quality,

I believe you have the problem _exactly_ backwards.  Egos are good for 
FLOSS.  It takes someone with ego to start a project.  It takes ego to fork 
a project (not always good, but certainly not always bad).  It takes a 
healthy dose of ego to devote _free_ time to doing something "right" - for 
other users - than to do it "well enough" for your own purposes.

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