On Wed, 2009-11-18 at 22:24 +0000, patrick wrote:
> Dear madam, sir,
> The fact that I'm using Ubuntu since version 6.06 is only a detail. But 
> where is Ubuntu going today?
> I'm willing to beg to the programmers: please test your software!!

They do test their software, but the fact is that their testing is
limited to hardware that they actually own, and software that they
actually use.

This is where you come in. You see, you likely have a unique hardware
and software combination. If you can test late alpha and beta releases
and report bugs, the developers can find out what doesn't work for you.

It's no coincidence that the people who tested Karmic when it was in
development are mostly quite happy with the system. I am.

>  Try 
> to listen to your users!! It's nice to have the latest technology inside 
> a distribution but what do I say to newbies when basic keywords like 
> stability simply aren't there anymore? Now when there's finally a gab in 
> the market to hurt Microsoft Ubuntu delivers Koala: alpha drivers, 
> crashing applications, and so on and so on.

We're always hurting Microsoft.

Software doesn't become stable through just being around; it becomes
stable through people using it, reporting bugs and contributing patches.
In this day and age, nothing really matures until some time after it
gets packaged for Ubuntu.

Think of the bigger picture as well. The next Ubuntu release is an LTS,
supported for 3 years on the desktop and 5 years on the server. If
Karmic was a conservative, behind-the-times release, then Lucid would be
too - and if there's one thing you don't want in a product that will be
around for 3 years, it's to be totally obsolete even before release.
Karmic includes a lot of new stuff, so it can be stabilised through
active use in time for Lucid. Lucid will not be a ground-breaking
release, but a competitively modern distribution that will last the test
of time.

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