On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 20:39, Jonathan Blackhall
<johnny.one....@gmail.com> wrote:
> It's very confusing for me when I click the big 'X' in my window controls, 
> only to find that the application I was attempting to close has since been 
> minimized to my system try (or notification area or its respective indicator 
> applet or wherever it goes instead of quitting).  Examples of programs with 
> this behavior include Rhythmbox and Empathy in the default install.  To me, 
> the 'X' signifies closing and quitting the application.  If I wanted to 
> minimize it and keep it open, I would think to click the 'Minimize' button 
> before clicking the 'X'.  In fact, I'd argue that the only reason anyone 
> thinks this is appropriate is because it's what's been done in the past.  The 
> reason I find this so frustrating is because in order for me to eXit an 
> application, I have to go searching through menus (File->Quit) or know some 
> fancy keyboard shortcuts (things that casual users never even think about).
> I can only assume that developers' theories behind this (which is definitely 
> not a problem unique to Ubuntu) stem from them telling themselves that no one 
> would actually want to Quit their application.  "What they *really* mean to 
> do is close the window, but keep the application running silently.  So I'll 
> just save them the trouble of accidentally quitting by changing the function 
> of that 'X' button."  I just dislike the fact that it sends mixed signals.  
> After all, if I click 'X' in Firefox or in gEdit or in a whole host of other 
> applications, I'm quitting and completely closing it.  Why must this be 
> different in Rhythmbox?  And also, when I install a new application, what is 
> the 'X' going to do when I click it in this application?
> I'm not exactly sure what I'd propose to fix this problem.  I really just 
> think that the current way is broken.  Maybe the function could be switched 
> to the Minimize button, but that would likewise exhibit ambiguity, although 
> I'd argue less so than the current incarnation.  Maybe there should be a new 
> window button, but that doesn't seem like a very elegant solution either.  I 
> thought about filing this as a bug, but then I thought it might be better to 
> generate discussion amongst developers.  What are your thoughts?  Do you 
> consider the current situation a problem? If so, what do you propose to fix 
> it?
> Cheers,
> Jonathan

I like the new button idea. It could be only on applications that
could be minimized to the tray.

Maybe you want to put this problem/solution ideas on the brainstorm
website. Then people can vote what solution they like best.

We could also add deluge to the list of applications that do this.


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