On 04/29/11 23:11, Deric Stowell wrote:
My system keeps halting. I guess i completely forgot that i did a PPA upgrade. now it all makes sense.

Yeah, Ubuntu has a habit of playing the same market game as everyone else (ship an incomplete i.e. broken product, release patches); but same rules apply regardless: first question is what did you do, and after that you can blame the product for being crap.


Deric Stowell
Technology Consultant
<a href="http://sandyeggoboy.net <http://sandyeggoboy.net/>"/>
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On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 7:42 PM, John Moser <john.r.mo...@gmail.com <mailto:john.r.mo...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On 04/29/11 22:33, Martin Owens wrote:

        On Fri, 2011-04-29 at 21:11 -0400, John Moser wrote:

            The Gnome developers are also upset at Canonical.  No idea

        It's because Canonical only ate their ice cream cone and
        wouldn't eat
        their ice cream. I remember when Gnome developers* built a
        rocket and
        visited the moon, brought back a whole ton of cheese.

        I tell you one thing that'll stop people using Unity... if it
        actually work. Hardware issues are a lot more pressing that design
        issues, especially now that the design is much more demanding
        on the

    Maybe, although there's a lot of press going on about this.
     People have been critical about Ubuntu doing things they didn't
    like before, though, and eventually they just eat it.

    Significantly this time, I've found several issues that make me
    worry that Ubuntu might get away with squashing Gnome-shell:

     - I've played with both back and forth now for a while, and
    Gnome-Shell is clearly better; people on-line are telling me the
    same thing.  Still, both are leaving me confused as to where a lot
    of settings went (mostly, the appearance-related theming stuff; is
    everything now going to be dark colors and blues like some cheap
    sci-fi flick?), and both have a learning curve.  Unity seems to
    have no distinction between running applications and applications
    you can run, which ... honestly just makes me want to find the
    smart phone company that the Ubuntu Developers are working for now
    and burn it down with them in it.  Abstracting away the concept of
    whether an application is already running or not is horrible.

     - Installing Gnome3 from the PPA really does completely hose the
    system; after that, Unity and Gnome-classic break, only
    Gnome-shell works, and Gnome-shell doesn't work with my ATi card
    (it skews the contents of windows diagonally, ad uselessness).
     Imagine that, I ignored the warnings and something bad happened.

    Like I said, Ubuntu is Microsofting gnome-shell.  They're using
    their market clout to squash a product that's better than theirs.
     I'm waiting to see Canonical try to absorb the GNOME team.

        Also I don't like that I can't write anything in python that
        looks like
        Unity, I have to write it all in C and talk directly to
        OpenGL, which is
        messy. If I tried to use Gnome3 then I'd end up having to write in
        javascript, which I hate for no apparent reason.

        Oh woe! Won't someone let me write cool stuff in python?

        Yours with hugs and kisses, Martin Owens

        * That ever fictitious collective aggregate.

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