On 05/01/2011 11:28 AM, Remco wrote:
On Sun, May 1, 2011 at 16:36, John Moser<john.r.mo...@gmail.com>  wrote:
Has anyone yet brought up the potential to ship Chromium default rather than
Firefox?  At this point it's more advanced methinks, with the only likely
complaint being that you can't add NoScript or AdBlock+.  Ubuntu doesn't
ship these default anyway; if you want those things, you can get Firefox
yourself, as you likely already know what you're doing.

For the privacy discussion, see SRWare Iron as a potential source of ideas
for changes to back-merge (or options to add).
"More advanced" is not very persuasive. What are the actual pros and
cons of Firefox and Chromium? Firefox is twice as popular as Chrome,

Irrelevant. Firefox is twice as popular as Chrome because it's shipped by default in Linux distributions. Internet Explorer is much more popular than either.

I feel Firefox (read: everyone) has been playing catch-up to Chromium lately (like IE was playing catch-up to Firefox an age ago), so there are probably fewer pros and cons than I'd like in a well-constructed argument. There are a lot of irrelevant "firsts," like "Firefox stole Chrome's UI for Firefox 4" (no menus), "Firefox got the idea to run plug-ins and tabs in separate processes from Chrome," etc. Of course, Firefox did the Awesome Bar first, so it goes both ways. I still like Chromium's New Tab default page better than Firefox's (i.e. a blank page), and have been waiting for Firefox to copy that.

This is only of relevance if you care about the argument that Chromium was built as-is from the ground up, whereas Firefox has gone through multiple iterations of refactoring of basic program architecture--like OpenOffice.org. Of course, the argument that the Mozilla codebase is and always has been a mess and has been handed through 3 companies and multiple programming teams and has had many, many architectural changes in place is an ad-hominem fallacy; if you want a real argument in that direction, you'll have to do a complete code analysis looking for structural flaws.

and a lot of time was invested in integrating Firefox into Ubuntu.

... what? Integrating ... what? I saw the stuff where it can automagically call Synaptic, but I assume most of that code is rather modular and plugged into a Firefox extension. Popping it into a Chromium extension should be trivial, in theory; actually writing the extension (i.e. glue code between all that stuff and Chromium itself) would be the only intensive work, which admittedly could be a fair amount of work.

Of course, i tend to assume programs are [Business logic]<->[User Interface], and rarely consider integrating any business logic into the user interface. People seem to like to emit things and allow them to be strung into lists in the UI side, though... (especially of note is people who use List UI elements as linked lists, rather than populating them from a linked list generated by business logic code).
There need to be compelling reasons for a switch. That said, I think
they are going to discuss this topic during the Ubuntu Developer
Summit. In-person discussions work very well for these kinds of

This is all very true.

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