On Thu, Nov 03, 2011 at 12:52:44AM +0100, Lanoxx wrote:
> The discussion of /usr vs. / has also been in debian and the general
> consens seemed to be that fedoras use case is not applicable to debian
> because it would break compatibility with systems that dont have an
> initramfs. It would also be neccessary to move tools such as fsck and
> others into initramfs (which fedora will do) as otherwise there wont be
> any useable system if /usr is not accesible (because its mounted of
> network, or because it has file system errors).


> So while I generally like this idea I guess its better to leave things
> as they are. IMHO the only thing that might be worth discussing is
> whether the distinction of 'bin' and 'sbin' is still valid today since
> nowadays they are both in the PATH anyway. So instead of moving
> everything to /usr maybe we could merge \each\ of the bin/sbin folders
> seperately so that instead of six folders we are only left with /bin,
> usr/bin, usr/local/bin.

Surely there are better things to spend time on ... this kind of
wholesale rearrangement is very time-consuming, has a habit of breaking
things we didn't realise had hardcoded paths (sure, they were buggy
anyway, but that isn't necessarily a reason to break them), and doesn't
provide much real benefit.  Better to just leave it be.


Colin Watson                                       [cjwat...@ubuntu.com]

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