
Please let me know if this is not the correct place to make this 
suggestion/request. First time mailing here.

Description: Grub should look in architecture specific directory for grub.cfg. 
eg /boot/grub/x86_64-efi/grub.cfg Second best would be to look for architecture 
specific filename eg grub-x86_64-efi.cfg.

Rational: When setting up a network boot server, it is may be desirable to have 
different grub.cfg files for different architectures. This allows setting 
different defaults and images. This is already done for module loading, just 
not for the config file. My preference would be to check for architecture 
specific file first (root)$prefix/$arch/grub.cfg then fall back to the current 
path of (root)$prefix/grub.cfg.

Impact: Many architectures cannot share boot files. Eg. X86_64-efi and 
i386-efi. To deal with this scenario, it seems to require much conditional 
scripting in grub.cfg or jiggling $prefix and file locations to trick different 
builds of grub to load from different locations. This is not a big deal when 
booting from a hard drive since the architecture is known. This becomes a big 
deal with network booting from a shared location. It seems to me that this 
would also be useful for USB/CD boot to support more architectures in a single 
media device.

Thank you for any attention you can pay this matter.


Joe M.

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