Not sure if this list is getting read much but:

- in a default install (now Talking Kubuntu 15.10) everything works but a small thing has to go wrong for the system to fail entirely - this is not a resilient thing and it should get changed if the system is to be anything that allows people to actually customize something.

Example, and point in case:

- the partitioner in the installer allows to create logical partitions, but not extended ones, which is silly. - I have to go and open the command line prompt to use a command line partitioner to get the partitioning scheme I want - this time I created a dual LVM setup with the 2nd LVM encrypted for data

So my scheme is now:

/dev/sda1: /boot
/dev/sda5: LVM
lvm #1: root (16 GB)
lvm #2: swap (6 GB)

/dev/sda6: LUKS
/dev/mapper/sda6_crypt: LVM
lvm #1: thinpool
lvm #2: storage volume

So of course this is something different and exerimental that I'm doing. Nevertheless, the system should not bug out for minor things.

* If you have a swap configured in fstab, but there is something wrong with the swap, the boot process will not complete, even though swap is not necessary for booting the system * If you have any mount configured in fstab, but it unavailable: the same thing happens.

I created two different LVM so that one can be encrypted and the other one doesn't have to be, for my current use case scenario.

The benefit, of course, SHOULD be that the system can boot without unlocking the LUKS container. However, there are two problems with this:

1. if you don't open the LUKS at boot, the LVM is unavailable; if the LVM is unavailable, the mount will fail. Perhaps I can solve this by specifying noauto in the fstab options. Otherwise, it will simply hang the system. No boot. No indication why either (except that I know of course). Error logs: unusable, unhelpful, worthless.

2. if you don't open the LUKS at boot, there is no user interface for the GUI to allow you to open it prior to logging in with some user, and even when you are logged in, I am not aware of any good interface to manage LUKS devices, although hopefully it will open it when I double click the device.

The point in case is that I want my /home on the encrypted device.

a. /home is not or should not be required prior to logging in
b. If you did log in (e.g. using a /home located on the root filesystem) and you opened the crypt device after, you'd have a problem and you'd have to log out, and log back in, just to (hopefully) get the new overlayed /home from your crypt device c. In principle your home should be distinct from the root filesystem, because both may not necessarily have the same secrecy demands. d. The current Linux system only supports two modes: encrypt your user homes with eCryptFS, or encrypt the entire volume/block device by mounting it AT boot -- there is nothing in between.

e. It is hence not possible to really have non-boot-mounted crypt devices unless they are really not used for anything during the normal system startup, especially when it comes to the /home structure.

f. Philosophically and principally, if /home contains your user data, it is not required for system functioning before logging into any user, nevertheless, the system will not work without it. g. This makes it scarcely possible to locate /home on any other volume in a real sense, such as removable devices. Not that this should necessarily be possible, but I do think the ability to /boot/ your system without /home being available in the very beginning to be important. Simply because unlocking your /DATA/ structures is really something that ties in well with logging into a system, instead of something that ties in well with booting the system.

I think a real good encryption setup requires these 2 componenents:
- differentiating between system encryption and data encryption
- the ability to choose to unlock at various stages.

Traditionally in Windows of course this was also not really possible, but people used e.g. TrueCrypt to unlock additional volumes after logging in. User files in Windows also need to be accessible at boot, or at logon, which means there are always some user files on the system volume, at least if there is not any kind of network roaming setup in the computer/network system. This means on Windows, people have always tried to (or at least, I have) put their big and important and meaningful user files on some other volume, while accepting that and living with the fact that some files would always be created on that system volume. It is possible to relocate your C:\Users I believe, but not sure what happens then. You can also relocate your "libraries", which is more common I think.

Nevertheless, the fact that /user/ data is on a /system/ volume is strange to begin with.

And if it does not need to be on that /system/ volume, then why require it for booting, right?

I also firmly believe this:
- /home is not the best place to store bigger data collections.

So what I have done today, as a new experiment, once more is to:

- create one "/store" volume
- create subdirectories beneath that for ./media, ./backup, and also in this case ./home.

- personally I don't like eCryptFS even if perhaps it is the only way to encrypt user homes individually.

- my computer has always been my personal device; even if it wasn't, I would not like to use encrypted eCryptFS homes, but I would rather seek to create containers or volumes, in a certain sense block devices, that would enable additional volumes for me that I can decrypt (open) at will.

That model that I therefore seek to employ is more along these lines:

- seek to determine whether or not to encrypt the base system (non-personal, non-individual files, system files, system logs, etc.) - seek to determine whether or not to encrypt data structures that may coincide with partitions, devices, etc. We are talking about external harddrives, usb-sticks, and all of that kind; but also partitions or volumes on the local disk that have been reserved for semi-personal data.

- choose whether you want (all) user homes encrypted or not. If you do, every user may need to know the password for that. But the benefit is that the system can boot without unlocking it. Another benefit is that you can put "general data" on the same volume as "personal data" (that is really the reason for it).

Ideally, encryption can perhaps fall into 3 stages:
1. complete system encryption (unlock required to boot the system, no information leaks) 2. unlocking data files of a general kind (often located on external drives and such) 3. unlocking data files of a specific, personal kind (can be in /home, on dedicated volumes, USB-sticks, etc.)

On both Windows and Linux I have never wanted to put my most important stuff in /home. The prime reason is that if I put it somewhere else, it is more mobile, more resilient. In Windows, you can put data like this in its own drive letter such as E:, and this makes it more easily accessible. In Linux, /home typically belongs to the root filesystem. If it doesn't, it might take up a lot of space you don't need.

Who stores some big video or audio collection in /home? That's no place for it. Neither on Windows, nor on Linux.

That's why we have these two phenomona:
1. big data collections like sitting on their own disk/partition/device
2. user home data is for all users, but where does it belong? It doesn't need a lot of space, but it is not really system data.

User accounts belong to a system, or can be sourced from some network roaming user thing.

In general on a local system I would recommend /home to be its own volume, BUT.

* Linux/unix groups are not really used much in present day Linux systems * There is not really a real shared concept of "shared" data on our systems
* It requires a lot of plumbing to set anything like that up.

* If you give too much space to /home, it is often a waste, but too little and you don't have enough temp space to do stuff.
* I prefer a btrfs-agnostic approach, more liking to use LVM for that
* Grub support is not there for thin LVM
* We cannot have thinly provisioned LVM on our root or /boot systems, in a regular system * One volume for system and one volume for data is the setup most people have used in Windows (that knew what they were doing).
* A system drive that can be encrypted separately from data is a boon.
* You still can encrypt everything in one go (one big encrypted LVM) if you want that but not very powerful. * Encrypting subvolumes individually is a bit troublesome in Linux due to lacking GUI for it. * Having a separate data volume allows you to decrypt it at boot or at logon, very pleasant if you can do it after logging into your user.
* What to do with /home? It is a strange beast.

* Personally I favour at this point a GUI element that allows unlocking a dedicated /home or some volume that /home resides on, prior to logging on, which would then reload the user list by scanning /home, thereby offering the /home that someone just unlocked.

* Using your user password for unlocking your files (eCryptFS) is not a safe thing from my perspective (anyone that you give your user password also has your files, all of them). * I have never had other users on my computer but in a bigger home/network environment, roaming profiles seems to be the way anyway, or at least a way to sync your files to a network location.

* Different computers with different (temporary) user created files, is terribly annoying. * In the linux world often times these user files were then mounted from some NFS share. * The idea of NFS is that the system mounting the share needs to present the 'credential' or authority for the entire share, not for individual profiles. * Having access to the system then implied having access to the share as well. You could either encrypt the system, or the entire remote home directory source volume (on that host) but if you wanted encryption on the remote side, you would need to encrypt that entire thing and unlock it at boot (for example). * You cannot easily have individual block level encryption without wasting a lot of "free" space. Every block file uses the maximum space allotted to that user. Hence, eCryptFS.

* There is also the issue of system-specific individual files (like configuration files) and non-system specific ones. There has not really been a good separation of the two, which means I guess that people have been putting their real data files away from /home.

Should /home only be for configuration data and not for actual user created files? Should we keep stuck with this mash up, this intermingling of system-specific and user-specific files? Has there ever been a really good model that showed what's what? In Windows, one type might be stored on "Local" while another might get stored on "Roaming". In general for instance big lumps of data (ie. browser caches) are stored in the "Local" while real meaningful data is stored in "Roaming", hence, this data is not moved across the network (the big cache data).

I think anyone will attest that what is really important for them, the stuff they'd put on a personal usb stick, or a personal Dropbox account (or whatever you'd use, OneDrive, etc) - that stuff stays the same from system to system and has nothing to do with the current computer they are using. Then, it might also require different forms of encryption or would want to sit on some other locations.

Linux has a lot of dot files that pertain to system configuration (for that user, most notably the desktop environment) and which may also contain caches. Browser cache may be sensitive, but less sensitive than e.g. email cache (think Thunderbird).

- I don't think in Linux there is this possibility of differentiating between one type and the other.

- typically ALL data would need to be either roaming (sourced from a network share) or local (on the current computer).

- one can use overlay filesystems to combine two /home structures (such as aufs) but this gets rather tricky and dangerous and complicated pretty quick.

- any solution that works for a local system should work for a system that has roaming profiles.

- a well thought-out overlay or inclusion system might be able to flag individual files/directories according to what is needed for them or where they are coming from; you could have your /home populated with files from various sources, but this is not what we have available today.

- because of browser caches and all of that, making backups of /home typically means your /home/user is going to be fairly large.

You may not even want that, that begs the question again: where will you store your REAL user data?

For many people currently the solution will be to create some data volume and then link their libraries to that location. Then the data volume can be network source as well. But still what is missing is the ability the unlock such a volume prior to logging in.

What are your thoughts on this?

DO YOU think we will need to have a "unlock vault" functionality pre-login in our various environments? (Unity, KDE, etc.) DO YOU think we need a better default solution for system (root) versus local (non-root) alterations to a system? IS THERE a place for /usr/local still, and, conversely, should THAT be our data volume? WOULD WE be better off having something like /store or /data as an accessor to our data volume? DON'T we have a bit too many root subfolders like /opt and /srv and /sys and /run and /proc these days that unneccesarily clutter the filesystem? DOES linux need better support for installing programs as a non-root user? Ie. the thing that /usr/local is supposed to be for?

do you feel the system should not hang during boot because of flawed fstab entries? do we need a better gui for mounting individual entries, encrypted or not? do you consider the current LUKS system proficient enough, or do we need more layering (ie. the thing I proposed) (which is having system encryption AND user data volume encryption (and not just eCryptFS)).

do you feel like me that the leaking of information at the boot decryption prompt, is a bad thing? should an encrypted system ever have more than one volume that needs to be decrypted at boot (by way of a password) would we not be better off having just one type of system encryption (in this sense) never requiring more than one password? is unlocking additional volumes not simply better done post-logon or pre-logon? don't we need a gui for that?

(is it not annoying that on Windows on an international keyboard, 't just writes 't, but on Linux it writes nothing at all? :P)

is the default setup of eCryptFS sufficient? I don't think so. I don't even think the default "encrypted LVM for the whole drive" is sufficient. Because if you do that, you cannot have a differently encrypted data volume (because you'd be layering two encryptions on top of each other, which is not really nice). There are at least 3 or 4 different volumes up for consideration:

- root
- home
- big user data
- boot

and also:
- swap

Especially "big user data" but also /home, in my case, is up for not being on the same LVM as root/boot/swap. Simply because you'd rather encrypt the entire LVM rather than individual volumes. Who has the answers here? I don't know, if anyone does.



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