On 04/09/12 09:38, Chow Loong Jin wrote:> On 04/09/2012 05:50, bvidinli wrote:
>> previously I had prepared package for Ubuntu, for my software.
>> However, software was being denied by ubuntu people with the cause
>> "program touches system files". This reason was really interesting. My
>> software Does touches system files, its job is to do so...
>> my program is not in Ubuntu repos since 4-5 years, but it is being
>> used since 6 years in ubuntu community, server admins, through classic
>> install.sh installation, not apt-get command, since its package was
>> not approved by package maintainers + ubuntu package preparation steps
>> was too complicated
> There probably is more to this picture, but it is really hard to look into 
> what
> really happened if you do not even name the software in question.
I suspect it is EHCP


Looking at it superficially it doesn't give me great confidence so I can 
understand a reluctance to add it:

"hi everybody, we had an attack last week. (attacker uses safe-host.info) So, 
please take care of your servers too,similarly (especially if you downloaded 
ehcp last week, if ehcp installer with file
size bigger than 10M, it may be vulnerable, you may check ehcp installer size 
to be sure, in your server.)"

Instantly I thought - what about the sha256 sum?

The rejection referred to is:


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