I was on +1 maintenance this week and worked on the following:

sparse: This package highlighted a common issue. LLVM versions 14 and
15 support APIs for typed (such as int8*) and opaque (ptr) pointers.
Typed pointers are untested and unsupported in LLVM 15 [1]. Code
running on LLVM 14 uses typed pointers, since opaque pointers do not
work properly in LLVM 14.
Patch submitted to Debian and upstream, package migrated.

python-django-celery-results: autopkgtest passes in locally with
big_package configuration. Package migrated.

rust-brotli-decompressor vs rust-alloc-stdlib: one of the autopkgtest
configurations was not supported. I have submitted an issue to Debian,
and they have fixed it in the 2.3.4-1 version of the package. I have
asked to retry in #ubuntu-devel.

rlottie: The package had a memory corruption which was highlighted by
the -O3 compiler setting. Patch submitted to Debian, package migrated.

radare2-cutter vs radare2: radare2-cutter was failing to build due to
missing radare2.radare2 was removed due to obsolete dependency,
freebsd-glue. freebsd-glue was removed by Alex Murray and radare2 was
reuploaded. The package is in the upload queue. Once it is uploaded,
we can rebuild the radare2-cutter.

racon vs libthread-pool:  racon failed to build due to the bug in
libthread-pool. Patch submitted to Debian and upstream. Packages

nvda2speechd: package accesses the internet during the build and is
located in a non-free pocket. Raised a removal bug.

nthash vs btllib: deadlock in btllib tests on armhf prevents the
package from building successfully. The deadlock happens because of an
integer overflow in the wait() condition. Documented finding in the

node-registry-url vs node-package-json: looks like a generic issue -
nodejs tests use the HTTP agent that does not support proxy[2].
autopkgtests only allow access through the proxy to external
resources. Probably an infrastructure question, whether package tests
flagged 'needs-internet' should have direct access.

Thanks a lot for the help during the maintenance shift =)

[1] https://releases.llvm.org/15.0.0/docs/OpaquePointers.html
[2] https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#new-agentoptions

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