2010/1/4 Aaron Bentley <aa...@canonical.com>:
> Barry Warsaw wrote:
>> Correct me if I'm wrong, but reconfigure-pipeline is actually pretty close to
>> what I want, I think.  'bzr reconfigure-pipeline' will create a ./pipes
>> directory in the current working tree, and all new pipes will go there.  If
>> this was named .bzr/pipes instead I think that would be perfect.
> That is right.  If you find any problems with this, please report them
> as bugs.
>> I did a quick and dirty hack which seems to DTRT.
> I saw that, and I'm 95% certain I'll land it as-is.  It's possible I'll
> add an option to restore the previous behaviour.  My original motivation
>  for using a location outside the .bzr was to avoid too much "magic".  I
> was on a "pipes are just branches" kick.

OMG yes please. I've nuked my pipes quite a few times by running bzr
clean-tree --ignored because upstream distclean targets were broken.

With best regards

Dmitrijs Ledkovs (for short Dima),
Ледков Дмитрий Юрьевич

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