On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 9:48 AM, Juha Siltala <j...@siltala.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> Good to see this supported so widely.


Yes, good indeed :)

>  Now, we need to decide what day and what time that is fine for 'most' of
>> us because I understand due to different time zones, it is not going to be
>> easy.
>> Maybe this will give you an idea:
>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/IRC%20Meetings
>> Let me hear from you so we can reach to a mutual agreement but most or
>> all of us :)
>  The way we tried to solve the timezone problem at the IRC Council was to
> have a meeting twice a month. One meeting was scheduled to Euro-friendly
> timeslots, the other to Aussie-friendly ones. Maybe we should also figure
> out where we are and try to schedule based on that knowledge. :)

That is exactly why such page is needed:

I have asked from the team to add their names and details as shown on the
list. Why? I guess the answer is clear now for everyone :D
Beside, it is good for the whole world to know who are those brave and
loyal members of Ubuntu GNOME who are putting lots of efforts, sweat, tears
and blood in order to offer a masterpiece to Linux User we call it Ubuntu

Thank you!

I am not sure if having two meetings instead of one is a good idea or not
but let's see what is the time zone for everyone after they will edit the
Wiki Page ;)

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