On 28/02/16 20:39, Narcis Garcia wrote:
> I don't understand why we discussing here about changing free software
> model by privative software model.
We are not talking about changing the software model.
> Tim, I feel that this list is intended to a (composed) FLOSS project and
> its growing with this model, and not for proprietary proposals
> discussing advantadges of privative software model.
Ubuntu GNOME is fully FLOSS, and always will be, but I see little reason to 
disqualify proprietry services that can help out our project, purely
on political/freedom grounds
> You can create a Slack channel called something like
> "floss-vs-proprietary" and invite people to thiscuss this subject there,
> and not here.
> Here it's becoming like discussing football advantadges in a chess
> factory mailing list. We've already decided to contribute and grow FLOSS
> model.
You do realise that many of the big proprietry service providers are heavy 
contributors to the open source world right? my email provider
commits all their changes to cyrus (email server) but the service is 
proprietry. Crossover are the top contributors to Wine, yet its a
proprietry product. Apple maintain Webkit which is used by quite a few GNOME 
apps. Yet you will notice that most of these are under BSD/MIT type
more permissive licenses, the world is not black + white like Stallman might 
have you believe.
> FLOSS community can be wrong, but many people have already taken a
> decision about their freedom. Contrary to this, most of proprietary
> software&services users hadn't the opportunity to take same decision
> about their freedom.
> El 28/02/16 a les 10:06, Usama Akkad ha escrit:
>> I asked a question: for now to see what is going on with Ubuntu Gnome we
>> visit this link. https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-gnome/
>> no registration required, publicly visible and indexed by search engines.
>> How communication in Slack would be compared to that?
>> On 28-02-2016 00:34, Tim wrote:
>>> On 27/02/16 22:11, Usama Akkad wrote:
>>>> Will slack allow more communications to be hidden from the public too?
>>>> If so this is another thing that we should use try to avoid. 
>>> How did you come to that conclusion? We are not trying to hide 
>>> communications, more the opposite, to make it easier for new comers to 
>>> catch up
>>> on things.

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