--- Amit Karpe wrote:

> Thanks .
> Finally , I install free-java-jdk package .
> Work for small "HelloWorld" java program .
> Need to be tested for more advance stuff .

Umm, do test it for different packages. The only
advantage of sun-java5-sdk, I think is that it is
almost a complete set (you wouldn't miss out stuff).
The packages are listed accordingly and distinct

> Yes, this add on CD idea is next phase in our
> Project.
> So package which are too big eg. Eclipse . will be
> on add on CD .
> Also I expect students will use this Distro as Live
> CD for first few weeks .

Ah, Ok. (/me is thinking ... points to /dev/...) 

> Once they got enough confidence then they will
> install it .
> In that case install+addon CD will give more
> advantage  to students .


> Could you suggest more packages/tools !!!

The list of packages that you include could be generic
or specific to the requirements of the course syllabus
of CS (say, for Mumbai and Pune University)

Compilers - GCC (C, C++, Java, Fotran, Ada)
Toolkits - GTK2+, Qt4
Additional- Clisp, a SVNclient, Python,
Graphic / Imaging tools - Krita, GIMP
Databases - PostgreSQL, MySQL
WebServer - Apache webserver, Tomcat, PHP
Editors - Kate, GNU Emacs, gEdit, gVim
Documentation - Free Books (GPLed), API docs
IDEs - Eclipse, Anjuta
Web Development tools - Quanta, Bluefish, NVU
Browsers - Firefox, Opera, Konqueror, Amaya (W3c's)

This list is not exhaustive. I think, the list just
makes up my assumptions of most liked. The first one
in each category is what I use. 

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