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Vivek wrote:
> Frankly I wasn't expecting so much resistance. Why is everyone so much
> opposed to the idea of a new ubuntu flavor ? If Ubuntu muslim edition,
> christian edition, satan , ultimate, fluxubuntu can co-exist then what's
> the problem in a new Indian edition ?
This is not resistance. This is how things work in the FOSS world. If
you want people to participate in something which you call "new", prove
us it is new and worth putting our time in that. Else, we know things
which work and we will rather put our time on it to make it work better.
Because we have been contributing to Ubuntu since Warty days, we know
how mammoth a task is to maintain such a project and keep it going. We
do not want to start another Ubuntu fork for just the sake of few and
let it be orphaned in future.
> Ubuntu is not the only linux distribution. There are other -RedHat,
> Mandriva, Debian, Gentoo ...and each has its own user base. If everyone
> started to think like this then only 1 distro would be maintained
> (*patched*), the rest would should be discarded. Infact if that was the
> case then ubuntu itself should not have started (after all debian was
> already available and ubuntu is its derivative).
Ubuntu started because people felt Debian was not good enough for a
not-exposed-to-linux desktop user. They wanted to make a desktop which
still takes the best things of Debian but in rather a simplified
your-grandma-can-use-it form. Mandrivia, Debian, Gentoo, Fedora are
gaints as a project as Ubuntu is. Do you have any clue about how much of
contribution goes into each of that project? How much the contributors
struggle to keep them alive and updated? Do you know the
"we-want-more-contributors" cry from each of the project? If you have
any clue of that, you will think a dozen times before wishing to start a
new distribution, even if it is a fork of something.
> Distrbution is "just" an assembly of existing software ..so how can u
> call this reinvention of wheel ? Moreover, I'm not talking of compiling
> everything from scratch but only to use fewer ubuntu packages, and
> certain modifications to make it more functional.
Distributing is not just taking bits and pieces from here and there, put
it together and give it. If that's your idea about distribution, then am
afraid people in this list are not even going to hear more about new
distribution from you. Ubuntu is not formed from debian by just taking
packages from Debian and assembling it together. We have a unique
development process, which is similar yet quire different from that of

If you talking about forking certain projects and creating a new Ubuntu
derivative, by adding these packages instead of Ubuntu ones then please
be specific about what are those, what things you do not feel good about
it, can't those be done in the Ubuntu package itself? if not why? Who
are the probable users of your new derivative? who is going to maintain
the packages in future? what is the infrastructure to maintain them? How
are you going to expose and motivate people to use your derivative than
the standard Ubuntu distribution which is much more supported and has a
huge user and developer base? We have been a part of Ubuntu community
for long and we know what's up with such a project.

Every project has shortcoming, we have to rather see how to fill it up
rather than forking until and unless the project is not flexible enough
to do so. IMHO, Ubuntu has always been flexible with its contributors
and users.
> In any case these are my views and I'll be going ahead with these.
You are welcome to and good luck.

@Bhavani Shankar,
I agree with your idea of a completely "Free" Ubuntu derivative, but
there already exists one. But, there are few questions regarding real
time state of such derivatives, especially for Indian users for whom all
they want is play songs, play movies which are in prop format. How are
you going to satisfy them with your "Free" distribution? If they aren't
you focus, who is?

- --
With Regards,
Parthan aka Technofreak

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