On Tue, 11 Mar 2008 15:07:03 +0530
Parthan SR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> phoenix24 wrote:
> > To find out more about Twitter, visit the link below:
> >
> > http://twitter.com/i/d32cf65c9e7fbd1f1f5679052d16d086b34baf8
> we request you to be careful when adding people to social networking
> sites. Sending such invites to a public, technical mailing list is
> considered bad net-etiquette. Please forbid from doing so in future.

Ah, just dashed off a reply with regards to this.

However, I am much more of a hard-liner with respect to such nonsense.
While I can sympathise with a newbie who does this without realising
the implication, this sort of an attitude is actively encouraged by
so-called services like Twitter. So, my opinion is to fight fire
with fire. For the mailing lists that I administer, one such message,
and you are banned, at least until you explain why you should be let
back in.


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