On 05-Nov-09, at 2:02 AM, stranger in black..... wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 11:15 PM, Ripunjay Bararia  
> <ripun...@hns.net.in> wrote:
>> We also host
>> Mozilla (http://mozilla.hns.net.in) /
>> centos (http://mirrors.hns.net.in) /
>> Mandriva (http://mandrivalinux.hnsdc.com/)
>> Do let us know if you guys want any help
> @ Ripunjay Bararia
> Ya one help needed. Can you please host the repository dvd's ubuntu.
> Usually it is downloaded from the link
> ftp://kambing.ui.edu/pub/ubuntu-repository/. But they take at least
> two months to create these after the regular release.

I'll take it up . It should take a couple of weeks. I'll keep the list  

Can anyone provide the hosting ? It'll be about 30 - 35 Gb .



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> The tutorial to build repository dvd is given in this link.
> Here is a tutorial http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=352460
> Please do this work. This will be a great work for the ubuntu  
> community.
> -- 
> ..............................
> Junise Safvan
> www.gnuise.co.cc
> 9746 283 383
> -- 
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> ubuntu-in@lists.ubuntu.com
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