I am also agree with Ramanarayan.GIMP is really a powerful tool for photo
and graphics editing.The developers should try to minimize the space it
requires,but removing it is not a bright idea.Because it is difficult for a
person who does not have a broaband connection  to install softwares from

I am using UBUNTU,r u still on windows...

On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 11:45 PM, Ramnarayan.K <ramnaraya...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi
> Some days back i had posted about some software being dropped from
> future releases of Ubuntu, and this included GIMP
> An article by Ryan Paul, who was present when the decision was taken
> to drop GIMP from 10.04 is linked here
> http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2009/11/giving-up-the-gimp-is-a-sign-of-ubuntus-mainstream-maturity.ars
> I am angry, because if there is one software that i really look
> forward too then its GIMP. Everything else is replaceable and
> duplicable – not GIMP.
> What is below is a User's rebuttal to the Ubuntu Developers who are
> deciding to drop. (the number points are extracts from the article
> text which i have chosen to respond to)
> 1. Dropping GIMP is a sign of “Ubuntu's growing maturity as a
> mainstream platform for regular users”
> So who are the regular users – I have been a user since Ubuntu's first
> version and GIMP has always been my favorite, even if not the most
> used software. It allowed me a feel of what all is possible, it
> allowed me to express my creativity such that no other software could,
> it allows me the happiness of knowing that my machine is running
> worldclass software and not some imitation. No other popular Ubuntu
> software comes close. And as a “mature” and “regular” user i need
> Are we also to assume that , as we users mature, we should move to a
> distribution thats more advanced and that Ubuntu is essentially just a
> dumbed down beginners version.
> 2. Its size footprint is especially problematic for Ubuntu,
> Yes GIMP is big, how big, synaptic says, gimp and gimp-data total to
> 48.3 MB. I am sure that the developers can find a way to squeeze this
> on. Compression technology is fairly advanced and knoppix type
> Distributions pack far more than what Ubuntu manages for the same
> space so how about including mHowever lets look at their condition
> that the base install medium should be a CD. DVD's have become quite
> ubiquitous, prices of DVD's now are less than what CD's where at the
> time of the first Ubuntu distribution. So instead of dumping software
> i think Ubuntu should start providing more – like include more
> exciting stuff – celestia or stellarium, inscape, scribus, pdf tools,
> audacity, kompozer, etc etc. I am sure there are tonnes of stuff out
> there that can be included without detracting from the simple and
> friendly approach and even if they are not installed by defualt they
> are available to the user on the install medium.
> 3. There is a clear need for a lighter editing program that will start
> faster and eschew features that are unnecessary for a majority of
> users.
> The replacement being offered is F-Spot – which the author says was
> redone in an hour and a half to fill the gap being left by GIMP. So we
> regular users now have to simply shift to F-spot because the UD's say
> so. How about first providing us with a trial and then letting us
> regular users decide if its worth it. F-spot has never been good
> enough in the first place and its inclusion over something like gthumb
> has always left me confused let alone as a replacement for GIMP.
> 4. The removal of a niche professional graphics editing tool reflects
> Ubuntu's growing maturity as a mainstream platform for regular users.
> I wonder if the number of regular users of Ubuntu are less than the
> number of new users joining in. If so they maybe its time to figure
> out if its worth having a separate distribution for newcomers , who i
> think the developers think are dumb and not in a position to use gimp
> and for not so dumb regulars who slog very hard to make the base
> install of Ubuntu complete but installing a host of missing
> applications.
> As far are niche software goes – every thing about Ubuntu is niche
>         - openoffice is a software used by office oriented
> professionals so drop this and replace it with a text editor or maybe
> some other scaled down lite version, after what do we need this slow
> to load and heavy application for. We can easily get it from the
> repository if need be.
>         - Similarly dump evolution – afterall only a user whose used
> it before is going to use this, a new user won't even know about a
> mail client will they.
>         - How about Firefox, the flag bearer of the open source
> initiative. This is definetely a niche product, since it makes up only
> 25% of the installed browsers, thus i urge the Ubuntu Developers to
> give us something more light weight and less nichey, I hope they have
> something in mind. Firefox is too professional, heavy, slow and
> niched.
>         - Finally Ubuntu itself is only used by a small portion of
> the computer users so why not drop this niche idea and just move on.
> 5. Still easy to get GIMP from the repositories
> The trend of dropping software has been noticeable – first thunderbird
> disappears from the install CD, then gthumb, wvdial and now GIMP. As a
> regular Ubuntu user, and many others like me, every time we upgrade or
> reinstall we have to either spend hours travelling and reaching a
> broadband place and installing large numbers of other software to make
> our system complete or wait till we lay our hands on repository DVD's.
> No its not easy to get GIMP or any of the other software thats not on
> the install CD. And this trend of having to depend on sources other
> then the base install medium does not help at all. This is painful
> enough that we have to wait to install critical software, not
> available on our initial install medium.
> 6. I think that when people take a step back and objectively assess
> the implications of removing the GIMP from the default installation,
> they will see that it is really the right decision.
> When i step back and think the only thought is that instead of the
> default Ubuntu i will need to source a more complete deriviative or an
> alternative Linux version that is more responsive to a regular users
> needs. Ubuntu will , for me, be consigned to being a dumbed down
> version of Linux not world class, not worthy of replacing a complete
> OS and, not worthy of being promoted.
> End note
> I am a very active promoter of Linux and Ubuntu. Usually there are a
> few copies of the latest Ubuntu that are always on me and at every
> given chance i show it off – both on my machine as well as a live
> session on some one elses machine. Invariably the first software i
> show off is GIMP and what it can do to images – editing, adding text,
> adding layers, scaling etc, and this gets people very impressed. In
> todays day of instant digital devices the most prominent digital use
> is of images – so apart from a good image viewer and manager there is
> a need for a good image editor and for that there is no replacement
> for GIMP.
> So while giving up GIMP is a sign of Ubuntu's main stream maturity I
> will be giving up on Ubuntu and look to move on to some thing that
> looks to meet my needs.
> --
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