Welcome to the community rajiv,hope to see more communication in the 
future.. Keep spreading the words on ubuntu :)

Rajiv Ranjan wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am Rajiv Ranjan. I am working in Patna right now as an Inspector of
> central excise. I am a lover of free software and I have been using
> ubuntu for the last two years. I bought my computer with ubuntu pre
> installed from Trivandrum.
> The dealer assured me that I would be able to do almost all my work
> that I would normally do in windows. He himself is an active member of
> free software users group, Trivandrum and so am I. Though I used
> windows to start with but switched over to ubuntu after my comp was
> struck with a virus. I still have windows on my comp but I hardly ever
> use it and so does my wife.
> Since then, it has been a long journey. I still have windows on a
> partition of my comp but I hardly ever use it and so does my wife. I
> have learnt so many things about the internal working of a computer
> and, of course, linux.
> I hope I will be able to help those switching over to linux with my 
> experiences.
> Cheers
> Rajiv

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