On Sun, 29 Aug 2010 21:33:01 +0530
"S. Kartik" <drskar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>                                    I have gone through this site
> http://www.ubuntu-in.info/wiki/GPRS_Howto , this mainly talks of
> using bluetooth connection and I get stuck while editing
> rfcomm.conf : I am unable to type the settings into the file.

Er, unable to "type the settings" in what way? Please provide us
with details of what you have tried.

You probably need to have super-user privileges to write to that
file, in which case you should use "sudo", e.g.,
  sudo <your_editor> /etc/rfcomm.conf
Replace <your_editor> with the editor of your choice,
and /etc/rfcomm.conf with the actual file location.


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