On Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 12:14 PM, Ritesh Sinha <ritesh.kumar.si...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> If you want a minimal Ubuntu based you can start with the mini.iso
> file provided by Ubuntu and work your way up to install stuff that you
> need. If you like lightweight Desktop Environments I would highly
> recommend awesome3. I currently use this on my Ubuntu system. I'm
> addicted to apt-get so I like the option of having it around for easy
> package installs.
> The cons are that it will require a fair bit of package downloading as
> well as customization of the awesome rc.lua file for your needs. A
> tiling window manager is the best if you use a number of terminals
> etc. I try and use either the gmail web interface or mutt for email,
> irssi for irc and pidgin for other IM networks (you could rid yourself
> of pidgin too if you used bitlbee to run an IM gateway, allowing you
> to connect via irssi).
> All the best on your minimalist quest! :)

My requirement is minimalist +rolling. So a full rolling distro makes sense.
I had thought about the minimal ubuntu route, but obviously it is not

awesome 3 - never heard about it frankly, so reading up on it now. However i
am not a poweruser or techie.

*From its site: awesome* is a highly configurable, next generation framework
window manager for X. It is very fast, extensible and licensed under the GNU
GPLv2 license <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html>. It is
primarly targeted at power users, developers and any people dealing with
every day computing tasks and who want to have fine-grained control on
theirs graphical environment.
AntiX also uses Apt-get and Synaptic, and a lot of Debian repos as it is
based on Mepis and debian.

I am a as-little-of-terminal-as-possible kind of guy.

Will try it for a while. Also it uses delta packages which i have been
hoping Ubuntu starts. Opensuse and Fedora have been using it for ages.


Narendra Diwate
ubuntu-in mailing list

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