It was enabled and hence it notified that the disk is failing.
However, it didnt stop writing data in those affected sectors. I
realise that changing the disk is the only failsafe option. However,
one cannot possibly stop using the system till then. Thats the grouse.

On 9/16/10, Ramnarayan.K <> wrote:
> Hi
> I know , I know this is kind of OT, but please bear
> For some time now i have been grappling with the feeling that maybe ,
> just maybe its better to leave some users to Wincedows or whatever
> propreitory OS and hardware they are on.
> Its been a passion of mine to talk about FLOSS and introduce people to
> Linux. Through the work i do, presentations etc. The values  of free
> (as in speech), transparent, intrinsically honest (open) and
> democratic  are something we could learn from and carry on to everyday
> life. In fact i wish life we more like FOSS / FLOSS software. FOSS
> Theory and practice i a couple of light years ahead of what we humans
> would like to achieve in our society, which sadly is in an advanced
> stage of selfish depravity.
> These FOSS values, and of course the fact that its technologically
> very advanced and its free and can be passed around without fear of
> being called a thief adds immensely to its values.
> But after about 6 years of spreading foss around have begun to wonder
> if its worth it to try and pass it on to everybody. Some people we
> have to leave out - those whose office allows only some kinds of tools
> (for privacy, security -ha ha ha, etc) But my frustration is with
> those plain lazy ones, who can't be bothered about the Philosophy or
> the cool software and don't want to make "any effort" to change, even
> though their computers go down every week, or they spend hours
> browsing scary sites or they lose data and have not way to recover it
> and even though there are people willing to literally hand hold them
> through every stage.
> Introducing any one to any Linux is an involved affair, one can't
> leave them after the install one has to be available for some kind of
> support till they are ready to graduate to a forum (since many forums
> ain't so helpful to new comers). Personally i am willing to take this
> pain, because the end result will be a far happier person with far
> more secure software. But I am ready to give up on the lazy ones who
> like the idea but won't do a damn. (maybe i should introduce them to
> damn (that) small linux)
> So what kinds of people would you not introduce to linux
> ram
> --
> ubuntu-in mailing list

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