Hi Niyam,

Nice post, hope you make a longer essay out of it some time .

Again am top posting because Niyam's mail is too nice to not leave whole.

Fortunately or unfortunately its part of my life mission to "show off" linux
all the time, every given opportunity and in the face of such colorful
dingling wriggling worms a lot of fish bite the bait and since then most
seem happy, those who don't i politely tell them maybe you stick to the
other OS and let them and their data be the hunting grounds of all the
malware they want.

The kind that bug me are the ones who say, oh so nice, just do it for me nah
an when the time comes to bite the bullet they back of, their the other kind
who really get my goat and are now on my not-to-do list.

Then of course the other not to do list ones are the those who keep saying
oh this was so much better and that was so much better, to them i say take
your EULA , make a print out, roll it and  stuff it where the sun don't

The rest i am happy to spend my energies with.


On Sat, Sep 18, 2010 at 12:28 AM, Linux Lingam <linuxlin...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 11:40 PM, Ramnarayan.K <ramnaraya...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi
> [snip]
> > For some time now i have been grappling with the feeling that maybe ,
> > just maybe its better to leave some users to Wincedows or whatever
> > propreitory OS and hardware they are on.
> >[snip]
> >
> > So what kinds of people would you not introduce to linux
> >
> anyone.
> i dread being the target of somebody's, or anybody's, 'just and noble
> cause' about anything,
> so wouldn't want to be to people, what i don't want them to be with me.
> on the other hand, if someone were to ASK me about linux (it's not a
> hush hush secret thingie, is it?)
> or glancing on my screen wonders what's happened to my 'windows', i
> give them a hint. then wait for another question.
> i must confess though, there is only one type of people who i insist
> and evangelize hard to migrate to linux.
> these are the pesky ones who think nothing of usurping my time, or
> calling me and waking me up or my family
> at awkward times, or try harassing me to drop everything and anything am
> doing,
> just so i can sit down and respond to their call for help, by urgently
> and immediately fixing
> their 'windows just crashed' or a 'virus just crashed my windows' or
> my 'windows hard disk is corrupted'.
> these are the wild-eyed, panic-driven, helpless folks, who claim
> they'll do anything to ensure their machine will
> never get hit by a virus or get corrupted again, and cannot believe
> that such a scenario is possible.
> i then extract a pledge from them that if this is possible then they
> must do it, or else never bother me again.
> they think i've gone mad for suggesting they won't do what would free
> them from their current nightmare.
> hehe!
> once they make their pledge, ta da! i pull out my linux distro, and
> the thought i "won't recover their data"
> and just format everything forever and have them forever use linux
> abruptly scares the living daylights out of them,
> they hastily pick up their laptop or desktop, and run to the door,
> with me behind them,
> waving my linux-install cd and promising deliverance.
> they never talk computers with me ever again,
> and rather self-consciously use their computers tucked in a discreet
> corner when i'm around,
> cough! cough!
> yup! those are the ones.
> The thunder speaks in the voice of Gurdjieff:
> "A man will renounce any pleasures you like,
> but he will not give up his suffering."
> http://www.niyam.com/gnulinux/lfy/fy/FY-monthly-col.php?sep2k4
> regards
> niyam
> > ram
> >
> > --
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> > ubuntu-in@lists.ubuntu.com
> > https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-in
> >
> --
> niyam bhushan
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