On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 11:45 PM, Pratul Kalia <pratulka...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello there!
> As per the recent discussions we have had on the IRC channel, it has come
> to light that the forums are mostly a spam hotbed and are not helping the
> community in any way. The community mostly interacts on the mailing list and
> the IRC channel.
> This has led us to the decision that we should close the forums. Since
> there is nothing archive-worthy on the forums, I'm going to take a backup of
> the database (just in case) and take them down.
>  If anyone has any point to make, you have time till 9th Jan 2359 hrs IST.

Didn't understand properly. You meant close down ubuntuforums.org or some


Narendra Diwate
ubuntu-in mailing list

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