On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 04:00:48PM +0530, Neha Jain wrote:
> Well, everything was working fine once I had installed it, but then after
> the broadcom sta driver started woking, I copied the stuff from my ext. HD
> back to the lappy by
> $ cp -R /media/Elements/home/njain /home

Are you sure that the command worked? Ideally it should have failed as
copying anything to a directory outside *your* home directory (eg.
'/home/njain') requires 'sudo'. So either your command should have been:

$ cp -R /media/Elements/home/njain /home/<your-user-id>


$ sudo cp -R /media/Elements/home/njain /home

or you have set world write permission to your root or /home directory
which is highly undesirable.

In any case, I don't think that command should have caused the sound

Do you remember any error or warning messages being displayed on terminal
when you gave that command?

> The error I saw in rhythmbox is configured audiosink bin1 not found, IIRC.

Try running rhythmbox from the terminal, like:
$ rhythmbox

and post the output. It might help finding the real cause of this problem.
Also try googling the error line that you find in the output.

Nitesh Mistry | www.mistrynitesh.com
PGP key id: A6FEF696 | 'geekosopher' on freenode irc

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