replies inline (some parts snipped)

On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 8:55 PM, Narendra Diwate

> Ram
> I think the Nokia 2690 is out of production. I have also briefly tried
> with Nokia Asha 300 as well, though not in 3G mode. My Dad i using a
> Samsung Hero 2232 with Tata Docomo, though on Windows 7. In a few days I
> can report on if/how it works on Linux.
> I have mostly been using Gnome based distros  and actually never had any
> trouble making them work with a GPRS/EDGE phone connection. I have no
> experience with CDMA based phones though. However I do see all the big
> operators listed in the Network manager New Connection option that comes up
> when you connect a phone to a Linux system. In fact this is easier to do in
> Linux than in Windows.
> setting up cdma is equally easy - no issues at all -

> In fact I am now considering the purchase of a data card. I want an open
> Dongle that i can pop any SIM into. The only things holding me back are the
> atrociously low Speeds under 3G that I hear people getting and the
> possibility of redundancy once 4G comes out. My usage is about 2.5-3 GB a
> month and not much of torrents etc. *Any opinions and suggestions on
> this. *
> ok my usage of gsm based internet is mostly as a back up for dsl broadband
- which goes on the blink on and off for various reasons. The gsm sim
speeds are no where as good as CDMA based connections, they are also more
prone to drops. I have no idea of 3g speeds and all that i know is that 3g
is fairly expensive.

If you travel to places which have cdma connectivity then its better to
stick to that - gsm is really a back up for places where cdma has not
reached, and if you have a sim that doubles up as a phone number then its a
good back up.  The plans for CDMA are way better

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