On Tue, 2012-09-18 at 14:14 +0530, Linux Lingam wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 9:01 AM, Ramnarayan.K <ramnaraya...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > Swarup, Niyam
> >
> > Have been following you trials and tribulations so far and am happy that
> > something has worked
> > Am sure you have been asked this before. But am asking anyway -
> >
> > Why are you installing Ubuntu on a Mac ?
> > Am assuming you'll bought the very expensive machine for reasons other then
> > the hardware !
> i work a great deal with sound and video.
> so far (in the last 14 years of using linux and foss) sound and video
> codecs and professional-grade apps are still buggy
> and a huge problem with linux and its distros. they don't cut it.
> plus, most of the PC off-the-shelf hardware available is crap, as in,
> suffers from electrical noise, or poor workmanship,
> or other bugs.
> in contrast, apple's hardware is geared for audio and video. with no
> noise or signal problems. no interferences.
> in fact, apple's hardware is a marvel of engineering.
> their OS is impressive in what it can do for audio and video. their
> integration with their apps, even home stuff such as garageband and
> iMove and iDVD, is legendary.
> so after struggling for a decade to get the same level of execution
> with non-apple hardware/software, i just gave up and moved *back* to
> apple, only for those.
> for all else, there is ubuntu.
> so to answer your question. i use ubuntu as my primary OS and for all
> my work. i even handle a lot of work through audacity, and various
> other linux-apps, but when i have specific features i want i boot into
> mac osx. so it's the other way around for me.

Sorry-- I didn't see this question when it was originally sent. When I
got the apple, it was actually purely for the hardware. I had no issues
at all with the Ubuntu software for any of my needs. But I do a massive
amount of typing in Hindi, and I needed two features: (1) a keyboard
that would not destroy my fingers. That is, keys should be ergonimically
placed and easy to press. (2) Computer should be silent. I didn't want
to spend all day listening to loud fans or other mechanisms. After
testing many computers, the apple MBP was the only one that fit. The
keyboard is perfect, and especially with a flashdrive for the hard
drive, it is silent. The HD is obviously silent, and with the MBP if it
is not working hard, the computer is totally silent. You can't even tell
it is on. So it was perfect for me-- and it still is, after all these


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