Matthew Revell wrote:
> On 29/06/06, Jan Vancura <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Jun 28 21:27:44 <jenda>    And does everyone agree with removing the
>> wiki member list?
>> Jun 28 21:27:50 <dotwaffle>    what are the issues with the memberlist
>> at the moment? Dud members?
>> Jun 28 21:27:53 <matthewrevell>    jenda: Yes
>> Jun 28 21:27:56 <jenda>    I'll contact all the people on it and ask
>> them to join LP
>> Jun 28 21:28:04 <bimberi>    jenda: yes, go with Launchpad
>> Jun 28 21:28:07 <jenda>    dotwaffle: 70 of them
>> Jun 28 21:28:16 <dotwaffle>    jenda: I see. Ok.
>> Jun 28 21:28:18 <jenda>    OK, any objections?
>> Jun 28 21:28:19 <mindspin>    yup launchpad
>> Jun 28 21:28:26 <matthewrevell>    jenda: no
>> Jun 28 21:28:34 *    jenda is waiting for a yes ;)
>> Jun 28 21:28:37 <jenda>    OK
>> Jun 28 21:28:40 <nixternal>    whoa
>> Jun 28 21:28:40 <jenda>    settled.
> I'm sorry to labour the point, but I can't see the part where we
> agreed to prune the Launchpad list. All we agreed, as I see it, is to
> prune the wiki list and you kindly stepped up to contact the people on
> the wiki list to let them know we're using Launchpad for the
> membership list.
> Anyway, unless someone wants to point that I've been an idiot and
> missed something, I'll leave it there :) As I said previously, I think
> this is just the growing pains while we all settle into getting to
> know one another, etc.
> Cheers!
Hehe - I suppose it might've been clearer. But we agreed to _remove_ the
wiki list, and prune "the memberlist". Now I admit that it hasn't been
specified there which memberlist was meant, but IMO it is quite clear
that "the memberlist" is the one in launchpad, as it is larger, in
launchpad and has the mentioned 70 people on it.
If this caused anyone to nod to a decision they didn't agree with, I
truly apologize. The damage is done, however, and we now have a clean
list of about 20 people, all of whom are active.


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