
I don't know if you read my e-mail concerning the magazine brain dump, but I 
think that I touch upon this a bit, I think that we are not in shape to 
publish a magazine right now, but we have people working on articles so maybe 
we can start contributing like that and maybe we can a constant presence 
there, my other e-mail also talked about interaction between projects. I am 
catching upon what has being going on the fridge the last few days so I'll 
reply my other thought s later.


On Thursday 03 August 2006 11:12 am, Matthew Revell wrote:
> Hey guys,
> Matt East posted this to the Fridge editors list. We've been chatting
> about how we can develop the Fridge.
> I think this is a great opportunity for the Marketing Team to get
> involved in an established Ubuntu project and show what we're all
> capable of. I think it's of particular relevance to the magazine guys.
> Matthew.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Matthew East <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 03-Aug-2006 15:15
> Subject: future of the fridge
> Now the fridge is picking up nicely, we can start thinking about what is
> in store for the future of the fridge.
> Personally, I think it would be nice to see the fridge grow up into the
> definitive Ubuntu community website. There are a couple of things I'd
> like to see happening
> 1. I'd like to see other Ubuntu community sites folded into the fridge.
> Right now there are lots of interesting community sites, obvious ones
> include and I think it would be nice
> to see these two sites, and potentially others, as separate sections of
> the fridge, with individual rss feeds and accessible from the same url
> as the fridge. I think this is important to make sure that the community
> has one central and awesome site that they can look to in order to get
> all their news and gossip.
> 2. Makeover! The look is a bit crowded right now - three columns all
> packed with information. I think it would be nice to see a less crowded
> frontpage, inviting the reader to explore the subsections a bit more.
> 3. More articles - Matthew Revell has mentioned that he'd like to see
> more original articles on the Fridge, so rather than just articles which
>  come from outside, something in the manner of Gnome journal, or
> similar. I think this is a cool idea.
> What do you all think?
> p.s. I'd also like the site to have a more suitable name than "the
> Fridge", but that particular boat has probably sailed already.
> -- Matt

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