Hi all! I couldn't help noticing the request for artists, so I thought I'd respond. I am starting up a Free Software student society here in Sheffield, UK, but since I am pretty lacking in programmerness (apologies to my Computer Science lecturer) I thought I'd get people's attention with some posters. At the moment I am sketching out some images for various purposes, and if you want to request something Ubuntu-related then go ahead and email me and I'll do it for free. Someone suggested sticking them up on DeviantArt, so I have finally started using my account there: http://warbo.deviantart.com (these were knocked up over a couple of days between lectures, so they are by no means my best work. If you want something in a different style then I am also pretty good with pencils, watercolour, GIMP and Inkscape, although they can take much longer to produce)

I have far too much admin to go through to get this society going, but I should start becoming more active over the next week, since I have no Physics or Maths lectures. Anyway, I am offering my skilled hands to those of you who have some great ideas, but have no way of getting them realised. I'll do my best to get through commisions, but if I get loads then it may take a while :)

Chris "getting Ubuntu for free gave me a guilty concience, so I feel I need to do more to help out" Warburton

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