On Wed, 2007-06-20 at 16:42 +0100, Kat Kinnie wrote: 
> Hi Alan,
> Really interesting e-mail. I'm a new Marketing Manager here at 
> Canonical, so I will forward it to some of my contacts and let you know 
> what their response is.
> Thanks lots,
> Kat
Hello :)

Guess it all started here:
(link is in the /. post). It might be a good idea to inform the
community about the outcome of your talks. (there have also been some
concerns about Dell not selling computers to education).

You may want to also check here:

I looked at digg, but did not find anything for the last 24 hours.


> alan c wrote:
> > Can you believe this?
> > (seen on Slashdot)
> >
> >
> > ' Dell Refuses to Sell Ubuntu to Business'
> > "I had a surreal experience with Dell today. My boss asked me to order 
> > a new computer for our small, non-profit business. Wanting to support 
> > Dell in............"
> >
> > "........"these Dell computers are designed for personal use only, as 
> > long as you use it for personal use, you can purchase one." So I lied 
> > and said I would.... Next, I tried to buy it on our business credit 
> > card. They would have none of that. She told me that I had to buy it 
> > through a personal card.........."
> >
> > http://linux.slashdot.org/linux/07/06/20/1215213.shtml
> >
> > I really find it hard to understand that Dell are turning business 
> > away like this. I am in UK and I have been very keen indeed to 
> > purchase a machine with Ubuntu on it. However, this news leaves a very 
> > sour taste.
> >
> > What on earth is going on?
> >
> > Can someone with a contact help bring it to the attention of Canonical 
> > please?
> >   
> -- 
> Kat Kinnie
> Marketing Manager | Tel +44 207 630 2479 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 27th Floor | 21-24 Millbank Tower | Millbank | London | SW1P 4QP
> Ubuntu - Linux for human beings | www.ubuntu.com | www.canonical.com

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